I, King Friday XIII, do hereby make a new rule. The new rule is that everyone who had hurt feelings will now have good feelings.
I got this from Chris at Rude Cactus. How was I supposed to resist? I can't. I can't be expected to resist questions about books. Books are my favorite!
1. What book would I like to be?
Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter!! Wait, I don't understand. Do I want to be a book or IN a book? Why would I want to be a book. I cannot conceive of what it is like to be a story. I don't know. Either way, Harry Potter Harry Potter Harry Potter! Or maybe one of the Sandman comics.
2. Have I ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Uhhh... yes! Of course. There is a whole thread about literary crushes over on chicklit.com. Mr. Darcy, Ranger, Jean-Claude (who is so MY boyfriend) Elvis Cole, Joe Pike, Rourke... that is just off the top of my head in three seconds. I even have crushes on authors.
3. What is the last book I bought?
Oh crap... this is hard. I get mixed up now because I get so many books from the Library! I think it might be "Hex and the City" by Simon R. Green. Hang on... let me go check my booklist... I know the last book I tried to buy was "Down on Ponce" so I could re-read it and review it.
4. What is the last book I read?
I just finished reading "Chill Factor" by Rachel Caine.
5. What book am I currently reading?
"Me Talk Pretty Some Day" by David Sedaris, "My Life in Heavy Metal" by Steve Almond, "The Alienist" by Caleb Carr and "Down on Ponce" by Fred Willard.
6. What five books would I take with me if I was stranded on a desert island?
"Last Days of Summer" by Steve Kluger (I've loaned out and lost sooo many copies of this book. I don't mind because I think it's my destiny to spread the joy that is this story.) "The Boyfriend School" by Sarah Bird (because I am Gretchen Griner) "The Oxford Dictionary of English" because I like to read the dictionary, I could do it for hours. "Imajica" by by Clive Barker (because I've been meaning to read it and it's HUGE!) and.... I can't decide. There is no way I can narrow it down to five. How about the fifth one is blank and comes with a pen?
7. What three poor idiots am I tagging with this FUN FUN FUN?
Every single person who reads my blog. YOU MUST DO IT!! Or Jesus will get very very mad. You don't want Jesus mad at you! (that includes you too, Fee. You ate Easter Candy, you now have Jesus in your soul.)
Speaking of Jesus, is there anything cuter than kitties sleeping in funny poses? I thought not.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.i was laughing so hard with those cat poses my sister had to come see what i hysterical over.
and i gave in and did the book meme. i'm a f'in lemming.
Posted by: river selkie
27 mars 2005 21h50
you are a fin lemming!
those kitties were cracking me up, too. i've looked at them 3 or 4 times since getting that link on friday.
Posted by: Jodi
27 mars 2005 22h05