No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air.
Today's title has absolutely nothing to do with my life right now, other than I wanted to share my favorite Dogma quote with Romy. I worship air conditioning. It is one of my favorite things in life. It's right up there with Dr. Pepper from a fountain and my cat. And other things that are also "up there." I have dreams about a/c. About the a/c we had in the house in Tulsa, the vent was right under my bedroom window. I had really tall windows that went down nearly to the floor, with long white curtains. When the a/c would come on, they'd billow out... sigh. I love the sound of air conditioning. The house in Grand Junction had a swamp cooler. It worked best when the back door was open a crack. I don't know why, I don't question the genius that is air conditioning. We don't have a lot of a/c in homes around here. They say you don't need it in the Pacific Northwest. But they are full of crap!
Speaking of crap, I had Easter Brunch with the family this morning. It was delicious [not crap!] When my mom got married last spring, she inherited a 9 year old granddaughter. This kid is, as they say, a pip. She learned right away not to believe a single word my uncle Jim says. She doesn't believe I am as old as I am. Both by my looks and, mostly, by my behavior. Not having any kids, I have seen little reason to grow up. So we have about the same maturity level. Her birthday is a week, and I imagine she'll start out growing me soon. We found out today that she was caught using a bad word. And you could tell she didn't want her mom to tell us what it was. But I had to know, because I love bad words! Finally, her mom mouthed the word "crap." Crap? Crap is a "bad word?" Really? That's nothing! Crap is well.... it's a pretty crap bad word, that's for sure. I know for a fact that I developed a potty mouth early on. And I went far beyond "crap." My mouth was washed out with soap once. That wasn't really Pattie's style, so maybe we were just giving a try for curiosity's sake. When I was living in Tulsa, we went to church regularly, and my youth group [jr. high age] had a little cheer we used to yell, that I remember to this day. We learned this cheer at a regional youth retreat in Dallas. It went, and I quote:
bish bish bam bam!
son of a bitch, god damn!
highty tighty christ o'mighty
raw raw fuck!
raw once, raw twice
holy jumpin' jesus christ
awwwww.. SHIT!
Of course, I grew up a Unitarian, so we didn't get in trouble until we started yelling it near the little kids. Unitarians can take the Lord's name in vain all they want, if it's part of their Spiritual Journey. Unitarians kick ass.
Pattie had put little plastic eggs near everyone's plate, with questions inside. [That is so Pattie's style] Usually, Uncle Jim, Pseudo-Aunt Pat, and I poo-poo any serious Sharing of Feelings at family gatherings. [so did my step-dad, back in the day]. We carry the "Irreverent" gene rather than the "sharing" gene. Mine was not bad this year, if I could have another life after this one, who or what would i chose to be. Duh... Wonder Woman. Or maybe Catwoman. [I admit, I have a dark side.] Pseudo-Aunt Pat got "would you consider e-harmony in your search for a new relationship." I was shocked I did not get that one! [I would then have remarked "what search?" ] Then Pattie, disappointed, said "Bob wouldn't let me give you that one." Smart man, Bob... well played.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.First, a slow sensual kiss for you because you invoked an image of you bouncing around like a cheerleader.
Next, one of those kisses accompanied with a hand under your shirt slowly teasing your nipples for your cheer/general ability to use expletives correctly.
Finally, kisses as you arch your back in climactic release pressing against my hand down your pants for the Dogma quote as the title of your post.
It was good for me, how about you?
Posted by: Thomas
28 mars 2005 5h37
oh my! remind me to get some pom-poms.
as a side note, can I just say that this comment is the kind of comment only a GENIUS would leave? ;)
Posted by: Jodi
28 mars 2005 8h22
I just cannot compete with Thomas' comment. However, that is not because I am not a genius, but rather, because I just don't swing "that" way. Ya know? =)
If I were honest, I'd probably have to say that the entire dialog of Dogma, is my favorite, but damn do I love that nap quote.
Posted by: Marie
28 mars 2005 9h04
much as i love you, romy, smooching has never really been part of our relationship before. i see no reason to add it now. :) even tho... you are so cute when you wear those pig pajamas.
besides, OBVIOUSLY i am going to be kept very busy, once word of my dirty talkin' cheer skills gets out.
Posted by: Jodi
28 mars 2005 9h44
The words "regional youth retreat" and any mention of Texas scare me. Being from Texas and having gone to a private school for a time left me with a great deal of paranoia.
Posted by: Chris | 28 mars 2005 10h19
What a great little ditty of a cheer. I will admit that I do not know my Dogma quotes, so most of the conversations of late have gone completely over my head. I am waiting for them to slam the back side, but nothing yet.
I learned to cuss at a ripe age of 4 when I was in the back seat and someone cut my mom off in the car. "Son of a Bitch" flew right out. Perfect context too. Mom and grandma looked at each other and wondered where I picked that up. Pulled into the driveway just in time to hear my dad utter the exact same phrase. Hmmm, I need to thank my dad for my cussing ability ;)
Posted by: DrinkJack
28 mars 2005 18h08
well, you need to watch "dogma," drink jack. it's pretty brilliant. it's definitely one of my favorite films.
i'm always getting in trouble for cussing around my friends' little kids. i TRY not to do it! that is why i am their "anti-godmother" and not their "godmother"
Posted by: Jodi
28 mars 2005 18h13
Try getting in trouble for cussing in front of your own kids! OOPS!
Oh, and Drink Jack, I totally agree with Jodi, you must watch Dogma. Must.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 10h21