With you it's all about cameras, conspiracies and alien girls from hooter planet!
I read, somewhere, that unexplained bruises and contusions can be signs of alien abduction. This has always concerned me, because I am constantly bruised or contused. Naturally, if I were abducted, it would be in the middle of the night, and I would not remember it. Perhaps this is the cause of my frequent insomnia? Anyway, last night the aliens must have picked me up by my left leg, and tried to detach it by shaking me violently to and fro. Because I am experiencing a strange pain in the hip/leg joint of my left leg. Like I did something yesterday to pull or strain it, and now I am paying for it. It's a sharp pain when I move certain directions. All I did yesterday, that could POSSIBLY be called strenuous would be hunt for Easter eggs. And that would be an extremely generous assessment, to call it strenuous activity. And, since I don't have an excuse like Romy's, I can only assume that the alien's tried to pull my leg off. Probably thought it would work just like a Barbie leg. [my Barbie's legs were always falling off. My Barbie took part in MANY strenuous and questionable activities.]
My cable has been out for about a week. At first, I thought it was because of the wind storm. Then I thought maybe Pru disconnected something when she was spazing out. Turns out, it has been disconnected. I've never seen the bill, I guess my step dad takes them. I called him on Friday to find out, but he never returned my call. I'd worry more about it, except that it's probably a good thing to have no tv. I am missing the Daily Show, I admit. I guess I will probably do something about it soon. If I did the whole lent thing, I'd give up tv. Of course, lent ended on Sunday, so I guess it's too late for that. Oh well, you know where that road leads, the one paved with good intentions.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Alien abduction, huh? Hmmm...well, that explains all those times that my injuries and/or bruises are not due to sex. =) Too much looking through the telescope, I guess. Hehehe.
Posted by: Marie
28 mars 2005 18h51
just like a sim!
Posted by: Jodi
28 mars 2005 18h55
Alien abductions in the Sims 2 is a whole different ballgame, especially for male sims. They typically come back pregnant with an alien baby! Before the hard drive crash I had made my family, and Victor ended up being abducted, and subsequently, had a 50/50 human/alien baby! Eek!
Posted by: Marie
28 mars 2005 19h13
cool! about the Sims, that is. i haven't gotten any of my sims abducted in the Sims 2 yet. no matter how much they look through the telescope.
i can't wait to get the new expansion for it. it sounds very cool.
also, my bro just gave me a new Graphics card, so now my game runs so much better. hooray!
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 6h36
dammit, you two... i don't even have the sims2 yet. soon. may i think? i am going to have to upgrade my video card in order to play it. mine is very old.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 7h38
I did not write that to annoy you, Jodi, but rather, to give you something to look forward to. Yeah.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 8h43
i wrote it to annoy her.
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 9h51
Oh, that silly Judes, always stirring up trouble. Unlike my angelic self. =)
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 9h53
shut up, JUDY!! :P
romy, i'm looking for lounge and/or lizard images right now. because you are so angelic. unlike judy. who is DELIBERATELY ANNOYING.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 9h59
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 10h02
ha! if Romy is angelic then i'm the Easter Bunny. or something like that.
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 11h25
you... are The NIBLET. that's what you are.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 11h31
oh yeah.
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 11h57
Actually, she's Saddam. What does that tell you about her, eh? ;-)
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 11h59
heyyyy, relax guy. take a load off.
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 13h30