What the hell?
From This is Not Over:
Pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control pills and morning after pills.
Can someone please tell me, who's country am I living in?
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From This is Not Over:
Pharmacists are refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control pills and morning after pills.
Can someone please tell me, who's country am I living in?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I just read that on the cover of the Washington Post. It scared me. Deeply.
Posted by: Chris | 28 mars 2005 17h31
This scares the crap out of me.
Posted by: Jodi
28 mars 2005 18h10
yet, i bet they have no problem filling the premarin prescriptions.
just say neigh to premarin!
Posted by: river selkie
28 mars 2005 18h51
I'm fairly conservative, but I have a brain: Birth control pills keep a zygote from forming. Morning-After pills keep a Zygote from progressing into a full-blown fetus. I suppose the religious "every sperm is sacred" nut-jobs would prefer that women go to a dubious trailer where they have a "Ronco In-The-Womb Fetus Scrambler" shoved in their hoo-hah.
Some people just don't get it...
Posted by: Thomas
29 mars 2005 8h30
i think what they would prefer is that unmarried women abstain from having sex at all. because, OBVIOUSLY, their morality is the right morality for all women. also, all the unwanted babies that are born are quickly adopted by loving parents. they are never raised in abusive environments, by their teenage moms, to grow up and then get pregnant,, themselves, at fifteen. there is absolutely NO CYCLE AT ALL.
that's it, i'm going slutty. i'm going to get FIVE prescriptions for birth control pills. i'm filling 'em all over town until someone refuses. i'm itching for a fight.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 8h57