I'm sort of surprised that reality turned out as real as it is.
In attempting to present another fun filled episode of "what's on Jodi's t-shirt today" I realized, looking at the shirt in iPhoto, that I had put my shirt on backwards. The graphic is such that it shows both on the outside and inside of the shirt. That made me laugh, for a while. I haven't done that in almost a year.
Friday afternoon, Evildeb and I went to an off-site work party. We were only marginally invited. But our PSM really wanted us to go. I spent my drink tickets on Dr. Pepper, while Evildeb spent hers on wine. We did a little mingling, and ended up talking to someone in Program Management, about some recent staff changes at the executive level, a vp was leaving. He asked me what I thought about that, and I said "Ummm... yeah, he was pretty good," I had no clue if he was any good or not, "he used lots of corporate speak and anacronyms." Everyone started laughing. I didn't think it was that funny. He did... use a lot of both. I looked around at the group, and knew that I had done something dumb.
Evildeb: You said "anacroynm."
Jodi: I did? [still not hearing what I had done wrong.]
PM: that's good ANAC-cronym. That's a great word!
Jodi still laughing with everyone else: well, you know me!! hahahahaa!
Evildeb: did you mean acronym?
Jodi - ashamed and not at all drunk: yeah. I did.
I've always screwed up that word. I have the hardest time saying it. But I looked into it, it's a real word. anacronym. Sort of. People use it to describe acronym's that are so old, nobody remembers what they stand for anymore. Like SCSI and ASCII. [Except for me, maybe. SCSI=Small Computer System Interface and ASCII=American Standard Code for Information Interchange] So playing it cool was the smart thing to do. When I got back to work, I found a website that explained the meaning of Anacronym, although I don't think it's in the dictionary. I mailed it to Evildeb and my PSM. Who forwarded it to the PM. Who still thinks it's a great word and is willing to suspend disbelief that I meant to say it.
Louise is still intent upon teaching me to knit. She is actually making me knitting needles and found a pattern that is just crazy enough to make me learn. Only so I can answer when people ask me the inevitable.
"what are you knitting, Jodi?"
"Vibrator cozies" I'll say, sweetly.
Evildeb is not down with this plan.
Evildeb: why would you want to make those?
Jodi: come on! it's genius! we'll make vibrator cozies and sell them at I heart rummage! They'll sell like hotcakes! Sexy hotcakes!
Evildeb: I don't think you should make that. What do I need with that?
Jodi: Well, it sounds like you should go right out and fill it! You're a healthy girl, surely you have something that runs on batteries.
Evildeb: make iPod covers.
Jodi: NO! you can come shopping with us when we go buy the floor model vibrator for our sales booth. Nobody likes a chilly sex toy. [which may or may not be true, actually.]
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam."Nobody likes a chilly sex toy. [which may or may not be true, actually.]"
It depends.
I'll buy a vibrator cozie from ya, Jodi.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 12h20
Oh yeah, I totally forgot to say that I also say "anacroynm", too. I think it's due to my association with a few members of the SCA.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 12h21
"....I also say "anacroynm", too..."
Gah! I think it's time for a nap.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 12h22
I'm replying to myself....how very Jodi of me.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 12h23
"I'll buy a vibrator cozie from ya, Jodi."
I knew that you would, Romy. You're sexy like that.
"I'm replying to myself....how very Jodi of me."
who better to reply to you, than you? i've always said.
Posted by: jodi | 29 mars 2005 12h52
haha! vibrator cozies... that's awesome. i bet you're right, they would sell like hotcakes!
Posted by: Judy
29 mars 2005 13h27
Don't you gals have a built-in vibrator cozy?
You forgot SCUBA: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.
Posted by: Thomas
29 mars 2005 13h57
well, i guess you could call it that. perhaps you could consider this an auxiliary cozy. one pattern has a loop in it so you can hang it on the wall. conveniently.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 14h05
The knitted cozie is for safe keeping when we're not using it in our own, built in, cozie.
Posted by: Marie
29 mars 2005 14h24
yeah, besides, nobody actually ever said that a girl can only have one toy. the more toys you have, the more cozies you might need.
Posted by: Jodi
29 mars 2005 14h35
hrm... i originally came into the comment thread to post about the word anachronism, but i see that we have already deteriorated far away from linguistics.
Posted by: arifa
30 mars 2005 10h19
but that does not mean you can't bring back on track.
Posted by: Jodi
30 mars 2005 10h22
Yeah, right. Once the discussion turns to sex toys, there's no getting it back, "on track". =)
Posted by: Marie
30 mars 2005 11h13
thank goodness!
Posted by: Jodi
30 mars 2005 11h37
You would have to take special orders with dimensions. Nobody would want a loose cozy.
Posted by: DrinkJack
30 mars 2005 18h00
i'm telling you... they'll sell like HOTCAKES!!
Posted by: Jodi
30 mars 2005 18h10
i think needs to be a travel version so one can wear it around like a lightsaber on a belt.
Posted by: river selkie
31 mars 2005 11h57
with pride! why hide your sex toys, people? why not accessorize with them! take them along with you, you never know when you'll need a friend!
Posted by: Jodi
31 mars 2005 12h04