White stuff on my nose.
Every once in a while, I get this song stuck in my head, it's something I remember from the very very early days of Mtv. Back when they played anything and anyone who made a video. Nobody ever knows what I am talking about, when I mention this song, no one ever sings along. Well, it's stuck in my head this morning, and I thought, "Hey, you should check the internet, see if it's out there!" So I did, and it is, and you can even download it from the band's website.
So, please, sit back and enjoy Blotto's "I want to be a lifeguard." Listen to it enough times and you can sing along with me, the next time it is stuck in my head.
MP3 File
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I just stumbled onto your blog a couple days ago and I love it, love it, love it.....til you got that damn song in my head. Then like an idiot I went to their website because I couldn't believe one even existed til I saw their picture. Seriously, how much could they actually make touring the country? (Oh, I know, they're doing it for the MUSIC.)
How I miss those MTV days - Bow Wow Wow, the Motels, Berlin, Golden Earring.....
Granted, I'm going to see Shonen Knife tonight at Chop Suey and they've been around for a while but 1) I'm mainly going to see the Gore Gore Girls (www.goregoregirls.com) and 2)SK can still rock.
Anyhoo, thanks for blogging! One day, when I'm not so lazy, I'll start one up for you to read.
Posted by: Kay | 31 mars 2005 13h10
I don't remember that song, although, I didn't have MTV, until I was quite a bit older, either.
I, uh, I do have to admit that I was a bit worried, for a bit, when I first read your title. I misread it as, "White stuff up my nose", and I started wondering when you had developed a drug habit. Glad it was just zinc oxide. PHEW!
Posted by: Marie
31 mars 2005 13h46
Hi Kay! The Gore Gore Girls sound great! and you bet Shonen Knife can rock, many many days I have their version of "Top of the World" stuck in my head.
Romy, I was living in Tulsa when Mtv started, and Tulsa has long been considered a good "test market" so it was on from the very early days.
Posted by: Jodi
31 mars 2005 14h08