I'm number one, Squishy. Beat that!
9:40:33 matt from dc: what?!
9:40:53 matt from dc: you have to put it back up
9:41:12 matt from dc: it was wonderful material and it got 7 comments!
9:41:17 matt from dc: and it featured ME!
9:41:20 matt from dc: you can't take it down!
9:41:31 jodiferous: oh. now we find out what is really bothering you.
9:41:43 matt from dc: now i am nothing
9:41:49 jodiferous: hang on...
9:41:52 jodiferous: i can fix that.
9:41:54 matt from dc: just a guy who followed a link
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.ay-oh, oh-ay.
what happened?
and it's very nearly april 1st. sbc-day!
Posted by: river selkie
31 mars 2005 22h11