« I'm number one, Squishy. Beat that! | Main | We have so much in common, we both love soup and snow peas, we love the outdoors, and talking and not talking. »

Go to google, type in "vibrator cozy knitted"

and look who's number one!

and I don't even know how to knit! I'm so proud. How disappointed people will be, if they come looking for a pattern. I'm sorry knitters! I didn't mean any harm!

Distracted I was from finishing up Satan's Bookclub. Intending I am to get it up on April 1st. Thinking I was that it would be 12:01 am, but realizing I am that it will be later in the day. I'm still looking for something I want to put up there. Don't know why I started talking like yoda. The first sentence just came out that way and I went with it.

Pru's freaking out, I'm going to go chase her with q-tips. Before I go, an ironic quote from Evildeb today:

"I'm going to put my headphones on!! You guys are so annoying with your talking!"

Now everyone leave me happy, positive comments and explain to me why I feel the need to document every tiny insignificant piece of crap in my life online? And I mean crap in a good way, but sometimes I wonder about me. You know?


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

it's the little moments that count and mean the most in the end. you are documenting the little moments.


You're #1 baby - YEEEEEE-HAAAAAAH!

You, uh, better start learning to knit, in earnest now, don't ya think.....? =)

They'll sell like HOTCAKES!

Hey! If you can make a vibrator cozy, could it also function as a PENIS COZY? Put three strings on it an equal distant from each other, then tie all three in back and VOILA! Beachwear! The all new "banana hammock"! You can knit them with all sorts of cool rastafarian colors too!

Can you make the first Penis Cozy for me? You better add some extra room: I'm a "grower".

speaking of... pancakes would be really yummy right now. everyone, meet me at iHop!

thomas, you know that comments like that are just going to get girls emailing you asking you for your measurements so they can make you cozies. of various kinds.

Pumpkin pancakes.

I'd like some eggs with my cheese (remember that?!?!).

See ya there!

Oh, and I won't be e-mailing for your measurements, Thomas. I don't know how to knit.=D

i don't remember the eggs with cheese. please enlighten me...

When I was there, and we went to IHOP, you were rather impressed with the amount of cheese that I required on my eggs, and hashbrowns.

you feel the need to document everything because we all like to read your wonderful wordage and feel honored every time you post another morsel of jodiferous goodness. so yeah to jodi for another post! :)

and i agree with Romy. HOTCAKES!!

You're using this blog to make people love you and lull them into a sense of security in your on-going quest to take over the world.

No, wait. That's me.

No one knows why you do what you do. It must be part of your "genius".

Err....I hate to tell you this, Lisa, but you need to actually post on your blog, in order to use it for world domination.

oooo.. BURN!