I don't like spiders and snakes, and that ain't what it takes to love me.
Remember the time I was freaking myself out, reading about poisonous snakes? Well, I just spent about twenty minutes reading about poisonous spiders. I'm not afraid of snakes, but I am afraid of spiders. I tried to convince myself I wasn't, but it didn't work. And now, it never will because I was reading about the Hobo Spider, which is also known as THE AGGRESSIVE HOUSE SPIDER!! [don't look to that website for the truth about spiders, it's one of those ZOO websites. They always take the side of the animal] You know, people used to laugh at me, when i told them that spiders would jump straight for your neck, if you got too close. But look at that! That spider is so aggressive, they named it aggressive!! It's bite can rot your flesh. People used to blame it's evil demonic bite on the brown recluse spider. Guess where the hobo spider lives, when it's here in the United States. Go on... guess! That's right, Seattle. There is probably an aggressive house spider living at the foot of my bed right now. it's going to eat my toes.
Arifa says they only live in the houses of bad people. That's probably true, right? Uff da.
Serious bonus points for today's title.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.AAAACK! you didn't show me a picture of it. no wonder you were so freaked out. that thing is hideous!
Posted by: arifa
3 avril 2005 16h26
Family: Agelenidae, also known as “funnel web weavers”
I'm not much of a spiderphobe, but after watching a show on the Sydney Funnel Web Spider, anything with "funnel web", even remotely attached to it, freaks me right the fuck out! EEK!
Posted by: Marie
3 avril 2005 16h54
run! run! spiders everywhere!! even on your teeth. Mother of god!!!
Posted by: Jodi
3 avril 2005 17h00
Oh, spiders going potty on your teeth isn't scary. It's funny. =)
Posted by: Marie
3 avril 2005 21h12
I love search engines, they make me look smart (unless I confess):
Posted by: DrinkJack
3 avril 2005 21h16
what's truly scary is.... I remember that song. i wrote that title from memory. A scary place... way back in the 70's.
Posted by: Jodi
3 avril 2005 21h35
Oh dear - you are SO trouble with these songs. I almost guessed Leo Sayer because he had those nauseatingly catchy songs, too.
As for spiders, would the whole "they're more scared of you then you are them speech" help?
Posted by: Kay | 4 avril 2005 8h39
I must be very bad: We have those in our house. I catch/seal them in an empty jelly jar when I see them and put the jar in the freezer. It's humane: They just go to sleep. The long dirt nap.
It's better than what happens when my cats get them. To the cats, spiders = land lobsters.
Posted by: Thomas | 4 avril 2005 11h30
And rightfully so, Thomas - lobsters are related to spiders. A fact that I try to keep shut out of my brain, whenever we go out for seafood.
Posted by: Marie
4 avril 2005 12h59
thomas, i admire you for catching them and killing them humanely. i cannot do that for i realize what many fail to recognize... spiders will totally jump for your neck, fangs out, if you approach them.
on one website, it even said that vacuuming them up was not good enough unless you removed the bag and threw it away because THEY MAY ESCAPE!!
Posted by: Jodi
4 avril 2005 22h30