You have no values. With you its all nihilism, cynicism, sarcasm, and orgasm.
I am in class all day today and tomorrow. Learning to deal with my growth, professionally and personally. Learning to MANAGE it. Right now, we are doing various exercises to identify our top five values. Before the class, I was to have one person pick what she thought was most important and least important. I chose Evildeb. My manager also got a chance to talk about me. I haven't seen what she wrote yet. We are encourage to find out "how others see us." So I am giving you, my little internet friends, the chance to pick what you think my top five values are. The one who comes closest to matching the final five gets a prize. I don't know what. What do you want? Music? I could make you a cd. Or I could draw you a picture with crayons. If someone in your life needs yelling at, I could do that. However, I won't accept responsibility for the consequences. I could write a limerick, celebrating your brilliance and insight. I don't know, you tell me.
ACHIEVEMENT (attaining goals, sense of accomplishment)
ADVANCEMENT (progress, promotion)
ADVENTURE (new and challenging experiences, risk)
AFFECTION (love, caring, fondness)
COMPETITIVENESS (striving to win, being the best)
COOPERATION (collaboration, teamwork)
CREATIVITY (being imaginative, inventive, original)
ECONOMIC SECURITY (steady, adequate income)
FAME (renown, distinction)
FAMILY HAPPINESS (close relationships with family members)
FREEDOM (independence, autonomy, liberty)
FRIENDSHIP (close relationships with others, rapport)
HEALTH (physical and mental well-being)
HELPFULNESS (assisting others, improving society)
INNER HARMONY (being at peace with yourself and others, tranquility)
INTEGRITY (honesty, sincerity, standing up for beliefs)
INVOLVEMENT (participating with and including others, belonging)
LOYALTY (commitment, dedication, dependability)
ORDER (organized, structured, systematic)
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (learning, strengthening, realizing)
PLEASURE (fun, enjoyment, good times)
POWER (influence, importance, authority)
RECOGNITION (respect from others, acknowledgment, status)
RESPONSIBILITY (accountability, reliability)
SELF-RESPECT (belief in your own abilities, self-esteem)
SPIRITUALITY (faith, strong spiritual and/or religious beliefs)
WEALTH (abundance, getting rich)
WISDOM (discovering knowledge, insight, enlightenment)
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.In no particular order:
Posted by: Marie
6 avril 2005 13h02
kinda the same as Romy's:
Posted by: Judy
6 avril 2005 13h22
Hi, just found your blog via the MT website. I like it because parts of it are in purple! I like your 100 things list, especially #46. :)
My choices are probably wrong since I just found your site, but I'll give it a go (it'll be a good laugh, at the least):
economic security
inner harmony
Posted by: purplerita
6 avril 2005 13h35
wait - is this what you WANT them to be? or what they are in reality?
Posted by: arifa
6 avril 2005 13h45
this is what they are. your values are your values. i suppose you could want integrity to be a value, even if it isn't. but then you aren't being honest. and which case i guess honesty isn't much of a value.
Posted by: Jodi
6 avril 2005 14h16
hi purple rita!
#46.. 46... dammit! i thought i fixed that! i was chasing a bank ROBBER. not an entire bank. i swear i fixed that.
Posted by: Jodi
6 avril 2005 14h19
COMPETITIVENESS (striving to win, being the best)
CREATIVITY (being imaginative, inventive, original)
HELPFULNESS (assisting others, improving society)
ORDER (organized, structured, systematic)
RECOGNITION (respect from others, acknowledgment, status)
In my eyes, of course.
Posted by: DrinkJack
6 avril 2005 18h46
this is very difficult... i wanted to put friendship in there and family, but somehow they didn't end up on the list because i kept overthinking them.
CREATIVITY (being imaginative, inventive, original)
FREEDOM (independence, autonomy, liberty)
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (learning, strengthening, realizing)
PLEASURE (fun, enjoyment, good times)
SPIRITUALITY (faith, strong spiritual and/or religious beliefs)
Posted by: arifa
6 avril 2005 23h05
...this is hard.
Posted by: river selkie
7 avril 2005 1h11
I haven't known you more than a week, but I would say: Freedom, Integrity, Pleasure, Self-Respect, and Wisdom.
Am I close? :-)
Shit, everyone else has creativity! Dammit.
Posted by: Matt | 7 avril 2005 1h29
okay, here's my guess. in no particular order (other than alphabetical)...
Posted by: loon
7 avril 2005 7h55