the plan..
should you chose to accept it, is to get Satan's bookclub up on Friday morning. [or late thursday night] so everyone can click the little links and make little fake comments in the fake entries and check everything out. make sure it's working all right. i will finish a book review over the weekend. maybe louise will too. [she's been sick sick sick. for weeks. it's the consumption, probably. for a scottish girl, she's very fragile. a frail hothouse flower, as we like to say.] And then it will be for real live, and ready for pimpin', on monday.
that is the plan and i am sticking to it. i found an acceptable cheat/ work around for CSS's shortcomings. so, the rest is just detail work. it shall be my number one priority until it's done. except for napping. and work... i'm trés busy at work. there are a couple of other things that might come up... but it's right up there. with a bunch of really important priorities. definitely before flossing my teeth and eating my vegetables.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.accepted. my laptop won't blow up now will it?
Posted by: river selkie
7 avril 2005 1h14
Darn it. I was going to review something for this. I'm not feeling very creative lately. I'm feeling cranky and shouty as I'm hormonal.
OH! Can there be comics in Satan's Bookclub? I wanna review Milk & Cheese.
Posted by: Liloo | 7 avril 2005 8h45
don't worry about it, liloo. louise and i have the reviewing thing covered for now. until we appoint minions. minions who have proven worthy of satan's lurve.
Posted by: Jodi
7 avril 2005 17h24
I might give up on my club...and join yours. You know, if you'd have me.
Posted by: Chris | 7 avril 2005 17h33
Satan welcomes everyone, Chris. Come... join him.
Posted by: Jodi
7 avril 2005 17h45