Get to know me! My favorite values.
Well, there is a tie. Both Arifa and Romy got four out of five. For Romy, I have already begun working on her prize. I'll have to negotiate with Fee, to find out what she wants.
In no particular order:
Personal Development.
Some of the others mentioned were in the running for a while. Like Inner Harmony and Wisdom and Economic Security. Some others fed into my key value. Like Helpfulness, I like being helpful, it gives me pleasure, but the real value is pleasure. So that's not a bad guess. And god bless Jack for thinking that I could possibly be orderly. If that was a key value, I'd be pretty dissatisfied with my performance. And, I'm not surprised that competitiveness came up. I've always enjoyed being competitive on some things. I think I got the grades I did, in High School, because I was competitive with my friends. But in the end, enjoying it, and really valuing it are different things, I guess.
So. There you go. How fun was that? Well, even if it wasn't, I got to go into class this morning and tell everyone that I was running a poll of blog readers, to find out what they thought my key values were. I don't think anyone had done that before. All in all, I think this proves that all I really want to do is have some fun.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Darn, I just don't know who you are any more. I only got 1 out of 5 correct ... and it was the given one: Creativity! You just have to look around this corner of the www and see that. I do love your five ;0 Good balance there.
Posted by: DrinkJack
7 avril 2005 18h16
darn, 3 outta 5. i was close, though. i wasn't sure about the Friendship value, just cuz i know how much you dislike the phone. oh well.
Posted by: Judy
8 avril 2005 5h14
I rule! Adi does, too, but then again, we already knew that! My prize rules, too, and I can't wait to show it off!!! =)
Posted by: Marie
8 avril 2005 9h42
ooooh - so close! so how did you determine your five? did you take a test or just pick the five you thought best reflected your values?
Posted by: arifa
8 avril 2005 16h46
i took a test which determined my top five. deb filled out a test that determined what she thought my top five were. i took another test in class which determined what some one else thought my top five were. i went through a series of soul searching questions which may or may not add more values to the pile. then i had all these values, whatever had been picked by anyone, in a pile. [they were cards] and we went through something else to get it down to five. everything i picked the first time was there. except that i had "self respect" instead of friendship.
Posted by: Jodi
8 avril 2005 17h23