Anti-Christian, Angel-spanking, Satan-grade Evil
This man is my new boyfriend. Most likely that means he is married or gay. He knew where to buy the best dildo's in SF. So...
Louise posted his wonderful article about Harry Potter critics on Satan's Bookclub, from which that wonderful title came. Such genius that both of us almost gave up writing entirely. Because we felt we'd never reach that pinnacle. Almost.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Really, what you're NOT looking for is a guy who knows where and how to find the best dildos in town. Rarely does that work for you.
Posted by: Chris | 11 avril 2005 14h58
Yeah, "Intelligent Design" is going to be the standard in Kansas public schools soon. I shudder to think about it.
Posted by: DrinkJack
11 avril 2005 17h11
Posted by: Jodi
11 avril 2005 17h45
chris has a point. and, the writer guy is definitely genius. have you ever been to the raving athiest... he serves up some fine saracasm and mocking.
Posted by: river selkie
11 avril 2005 21h34
hey, just cuz a guy is comfortable with dildos does not mean he's gay. maybe he just knows it cuz he buys a lot of gifts! :) or goes to a lot of bachlorette parties.
Posted by: Jodi
12 avril 2005 0h05
That guy is reading my mail....or (my version of the) Bible. ARE THERE organized religions that think along those lines? His point that we're not unified is a good one and I do feel a bit lost at times surrounded by the "turn or burn" folk.
As for dildos, my husband bought me a pocket rocket (okay, it's not a dildo but equally as pleasurable) before he went out to sea a couple of deployments back so some men may not know but they do understand.
Religion and dildos in one comment box, my work here is done.
Posted by: Kay | 12 avril 2005 9h06
i love reading that guy's stuff. he's an inspiration. :)
Posted by: loon
12 avril 2005 9h15
Are you asking if there organized religions that are "(i.e.;, devoid of poisons or preservatives or Sanctimonious Growth Hormones)" what he calls "normal" or "organic?" I think there are. I was raised a Unitarian, and that is the type of environment I've always found the UU faith to provide. I haven't been a regular church goer in a while. But I've visited it now and then, in the last few years. Growing up in Oklahoma I needed that kind of sanctuary desperately.
and your husband sounds like a smart smart man. ;)
Posted by: Jodi
12 avril 2005 13h18
Precious husband and I are going to start working on making a precious baby whenever he gets off that damn submarine so I look t'wards the future and itchy tights & maryjanes or bad clip-on ties (what I and my brother wore to church). I wrote to your new boyfriend to thank him for such a rockin' article and for any church suggestions. He admitted that he may not be the one to ask but did also suggest unitarian along with episcopalian. Worth looking into. I grew up in TX as a Catholic and I'm sure that has something to do with what I believe in now but the last time I went to mass they said the Pledge of Allegiance so I think that was officially the last time I went to mass (sorry Mom). My husband was raised under the "turn or burn" reich and is pretty anti-everything so we'll have to go slow with this.
Posted by: Kay | 12 avril 2005 14h13
well isn't that nice he wrote you back.
lots of ex-somethings in the unitarian churches. lots and lots of ex-catholics and non practicing jews. i also know plenty of ex-catholics who became episcopalian.
there are atheist unitarians, pagan unitarians, christian unitarians, agnostic unitarians, alcoholic unitarians...
Posted by: Jodi
12 avril 2005 14h29
"just cuz a guy is comfortable with dildos does not mean he's gay."
true, true. but you don't want him using all the batteries in the house either.
Posted by: river selkie
13 avril 2005 1h10
um. i don't think i said that right. nevermind.
Posted by: river selkie
13 avril 2005 1h13