Thanks for the koi, Fee
My goodness but I am sore today. My first meeting of the day was at 8am, on the other side of the building. I was late. I could not be made to move faster than a gentle stroll. I have another meeting in 23 minutes, which I am hoping I can participate in from the floor, where I will be lying. Jeez'm rice, how was I supposed to know that I was going to be doing pilates? I am looking forward to getting my ball next week, as I think I'd enjoy using it as a desk chair and bouncing up and down all day, bouncing is almost as fun as spinning, which is a close second to rocking back and forth, in terms of "things to do when sitting in an office chair that won't get you fired and yet keep you from going out of your mind."
I don't even have anything interesting to say, today. I am too sore to be entertaining. I'm going to try some of that Arnica cream when I get home. But I can't even reach all my sore places. I'm going to have to stop, on the way home for the vodka, Kailua and cream. Because I know that THAT will reach everywhere. Isn't there an "h" in kailua somewhere?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.That is about the only way I could drink vodka. In such a way that you can just pound them away, then wake up in your cube all hung over three days later. Everyone in the office just thought you were "sleeping" and left you alone, except for the fifty thousand post-it notes that are now stuck to your body...
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 avril 2005 18h06
lo! i miss living in a cubicle sometimes.
Posted by: river selkie
14 avril 2005 22h18
A little sweet majoram oil works wonders, how do you carry those big balls to work (if you pardon the expression)? And are there like big bags to carry them, like the sort of bag that you carry oranges in. I haven't been that sore for a while, but if you start doing things that we weren't designed to do...
Posted by: andy boy | 15 avril 2005 2h03
miss living in a cubicle sometimes? guh.
well, you know, i don't have a ball yet, but most people seem to just carry them in from the cars. i guess it would suck to ride to work on the bus and carry one. i haven't seen any big bags..
some people leave their balls at work. and sit on them at their desks.
Posted by: Jodi
15 avril 2005 7h30