What Would Amelia Do?
I really did not want to go to ball class today. It's so hard! I hate working hard. Sure, the balls are bouncy and fun. But we don't get to bounce up and down on them very much. We do things with them that hurt. Maybe not today, but tomorrow they will. But, my very own ball was due to arrive today, and I needed to pay for it. And, ball class is kinda fun, except for the whole working hard part. So I asked Amelia what to do. I do that occasionally now that I look at her every day.
"why would you even ask me that? Of course you should go to ball class!"
Amelia is not lazy like me. She's a risk taker and an adventurer. And you know, she has excellent bone structure. Very striking woman. She, too, is not impressed with the monkee. And this morning, when the he was upset, and damn near yelling, she rolled her eyes.
"What a slimey little toad."
Sometimes, she mimics him back to me, and I have to concentrate on not laughing.
"Hey guy... shoot me an email. I'll tell you what, I'd like to shoot him, but not with an email. Is this what men of your time are like? Hand me the phone, hold it up to me, I want to call this guy up and explain to him what real men are like"
Oh, Amelia, you're so bad.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Just tell him, he sounds a real pain, I'm a bloke in an office and I behave, yet I have to put up with Radio 2 (people in the UK will know my pain), it's like having your brain steeped in treacle, just tell him he is an obnoxious idiot. Start some office anarchy, unscrew his chair, hide his keyboard, remove his phone, do something now, mess with his head, HE MUST PAY! Phew... and relax...
Posted by: andy boy | 21 avril 2005 4h12
oh man... do not tempt me!
actually, there is a solution in the works, it's just going to take some time. in the mean time, i have been told it is perfectly acceptable for me to go over and politely tell him to use his inside voice, when he gets too riled up.
Posted by: Jodi
21 avril 2005 8h22
Amelia would have some really smart, witty, jab, to calmly say, as she passed by the Monkee's desk. Something that probably would go right over his little Monkee head.
Posted by: Marie
21 avril 2005 9h12
Loud men, especially "hooting" loud men, should be kicked in the nuts if they want to yell that loud.
I just imagine Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka telling them sarcastically, "You should open your mouth a little WIDER when you talk..."
Posted by: Thomas | 21 avril 2005 9h53
the thing is, HR asked me specifically to cease and desist kicking, punching, socking, pinching and hitting people. apparently it's "bad."
his voice is really nasally, penetrating, piercing, and a tiny bit shrill.
Posted by: Jodi
21 avril 2005 15h34
Oh HR, what do they know?
Posted by: andy boy | 22 avril 2005 0h49