Yeah, snarky, you know, from the ancient Greek, meaning butt head.
I told myself that I could go hang out in Barnes and Noble, when I finished my review of "Down on Ponce" for Satan's Bookclub. But instead I am taking personality tests that I got from Suzy. By the way, "hanging out in Barnes and Noble" is code for "grabbing a large stack of books, sitting in one of the comfy chairs, browsing through them and leaving, after buying some or all of them." I am having trouble with my review because a: I've never written one and it is not coming naturally to me and b: "Down on Ponce" is really hard to sum up and/or describe. What will most likely happen is, I will work on the review, but not finish, and go to Barnes and Noble anyway. Because I'm weak. And spoiled. And lacking in discipline. And a bunch of other fun things....
Your Inner European is Dutch!
Open minded and tolerant. You're up for just about anything.
Who's Your Inner European?
You Are a Snarky Blogger!
You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of.
And that's why they read your posts as often as they can!
What kind of blogger are you?
Seriously? Are bloggers scared of me? That's awesome. Grrrrr
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You're the BEST snarky blogger I read, and you always satisfy my inner snark, which unfortunately is almost always shot down by my much stronger Earnest P. Straightforward (I say straight in the MOST metaphorical way, please understand). Glad I could provide you with some amusement and time-wasting strategies. write that review, 'cause it's really important.
By the way, my 50-word story COULD be set in It's My Pleasure in Portland, though I wouldn't knock Toys in Babeland out of the running...
Now I'm scared. Please don't snark me, please sir!
Posted by: Suzi | 23 avril 2005 14h14
I seem to be Italian -- Passionate and colorful.
You show the world what culture really is.
Yeah, right....
Posted by: DrinkJack
23 avril 2005 17h07
hmmm... why did i think that it was toys in babeland? must be because you called it the toy shop. i don't know. i just went straight to babeland. because everything revolves around MY world. :)
you don't think you are passionate and colorful, jack? sure you are! you are a renaissance man.
Posted by: Jodi
23 avril 2005 17h32
i got italian too. i'm surprised. the 2nd time i got irish, 3rd french.
and i'm a 'life blogger'...or so it says.
"Your blog is the story of your life - a living diary. If it happens, you blog it. And make it as entertaining as possible"
Posted by: river selkie
23 avril 2005 20h24
oh. and i am not scart fo you, neither.
Posted by: river selkie
23 avril 2005 20h34
you are not scared of me? why not? i'm CRAZY. you never know what i might do or say.
Posted by: Jodi
23 avril 2005 20h37
crazy people are not scared of other crazy people.
Posted by: river selkie
24 avril 2005 21h22
oh my god, today, i took this picture of myself... i was trying to take a picture of the cat. long story, anyway, i took this picture and i looked INSANE!! all i needed was a straight jacket. i brought the photo into photoshop and i looked less insane. i was disappointed. because on the camera preview... CRAZY!!
Posted by: Jodi
24 avril 2005 23h13
Yay, I'm a pundit blogger, much stroking of chin and furrowed brow, hmmmmm, must get out my book of pundit cliche's
Posted by: andy boy | 25 avril 2005 5h19
Hmm, and being an Inner French guy is a little confusing, being Welsh I feel like I'm cheating on someone
Posted by: andy boy | 25 avril 2005 5h21