One adorable little girl and a perfectly acceptable little boy...
Once upon a time there was a single Mom with two adorable children. Between the two, the little girl was definitely the more adorable, not to mention smart and witty. And very practical, for a five year old.
The single Mom met a Teacher, and they began dating. The Teacher was always over at the house, having dinner with the Mom and the two adorable children. At the end of the evening, the Teacher said his goodbyes, as he readied to return to his own home. The little girl thought this was silly. He was here all the freakin' time. He even corrected her table manners! So she said, "Why don't you just spend the night? My mom has a HUGE bed, there's plenty of room."
The single Mom looked away with a slightly embarrassed grin on her face. The Teacher's grin was less embarrassed and he said that maybe one night, he would see if he could sleep over. Eventually, the single Mom and the Teacher got married. And the little girl was doomed to hear this story repeated over and over for the rest of her life.
The little girl grew up and the family lived happily every after. Until they got divorced. And the little girl decided that maybe marriage wasn't all it was cracked up to be, and she had it right in the first place. It's better just to invite boys to spend the night.
The End
ps: not that the little girl was ever sorry that her mom married the Teacher.
pps: the adorable little girl is currently doing her best to avoid a book review that is not going well.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Very practical indeed.
Posted by: DrinkJack
24 avril 2005 17h34
i think the adorable little girl has forgotten that not everyone has the same story line.
Posted by: river selkie
24 avril 2005 21h20
;) or i think we'd all go bonkers.
Posted by: river selkie
24 avril 2005 21h20
yes, the little girl recognizes that her opinions, and life choices, are hers only and may not be suitable for others. she's a stubborn little shit, that little girl.
Posted by: Jodi
24 avril 2005 23h10
just in case i need to clarify...
i just meant that whatever you want, you can get, even though others might not reach the same goal.
Posted by: river selkie
24 avril 2005 23h24
now the little girl is confused. wait, do you mean that just because her parents got divorced, and then her parents got divorced again, that she won't get divorced if she got married?
by the way, the single mom is happily married again. it will be her 1st anniversary in May.
Posted by: Jodi
24 avril 2005 23h31
Once upon a time there was a single Mom with two adorable children. Between the two, the little boy was definitely the more adorable. But the little girl was smart and witty and very practical, for a twelve year old.
The single Mom met a boat salesman and they began dating. The three would go visit Boatman at his lakehouse on the weekends. This was great for the little boy because he got to play with all the Boatman’s toys from the boat shop. But this was irritating for the witty girl because she found Boatman to be creepy and not just because he wore Speedos and had a Boston Terrier that she swore would push her hand down towards his privates when she petted him but that had a lot to do with it.
Fortunately single Mom grew bored with Boatman but found that in general, worthy men of her age were few and far between. She now lives in her own castle and she swears she’s content as can be.
But the witty little girl was not content. Years passed and the witty little girl grew to be a witty young woman. Since no suitors seemed present, the little girl decided that maybe marriage wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Maybe it's better just to invite boys to spend the night. But the boys that did spend the night weren’t witty enough and often they made the little girl cry so they were thrown into the dungeon (not the good dungeon, the bad one).
More years passed and the witty girl grew into a witty woman in her thirties and still no true princes had come to vie for her affection. Then one day a sailor came into her port. They met at Grand Central Station and fell madly in love. Bells rung and they were married. They have been together ever since.
If they can live happily ever after (at least so far), so can you.
Posted by: Kay | 25 avril 2005 11h10
"wait, do you mean that just because her parents got divorced, and then her parents got divorced again, that she won't get divorced if she got married? "
Posted by: river selkie
25 avril 2005 17h35
...IF that is what you want. i do endorse everyone's right NOT to get married or even have a long-time partner-like relationship...should that be what makes them happy.
i think everyone deserves to be happy.
Posted by: river selkie
25 avril 2005 17h37
did you know that when amelia got married, she did not refer to her husband as her "husband" but rather her partner.
Posted by: Jodi
25 avril 2005 22h10
well, amelia is the bomb as we all know. i remember doing a report on her when i was in elementary school.
i still love the poster.
Posted by: river selkie
25 avril 2005 23h58
tttthhhhaaaatttt wwwwaaaassss ffffuuuunnnnyyyy!!!!
Posted by: Evil Angel | 27 avril 2005 10h28