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I did not achieve this position in life by having some snot-nosed punk leave my cheese out in the wind.

My punk rock little brother, Josh, is investigating low cost vasectomies, because he doesn't want to "breed." And I'm ok with that, I understand he doesn't want to have kids. But I think a low cost vasectomy is a bad idea. Besides, most doctor's won't give a one to someone his age, he's too young. He insists that he really really does not want to have kids. Also, he insists that the world is going to end in 2012, as predicted by the Mayans. So why have kids. Makes sense, so I made a deal with him, if the earth still exists in 2013 I will get him a vasectomy for his birthday. His 31st birthday, Feb. 2013, if he still does not want kids, I will buy him a vasectomy. In the mean time, it's condoms. Everyone here is my witness. [I'll start saving because, no offense Ancient Mayan culture, but ... have you met Nostrodamus? You guys would get along great.]

Any money he makes that can be used for a vasectomy should be set aside for his teeth. Or to attend to vegan culinary school.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Come to the UK, they'll do it for free on the National Health Service. Come for a holiday, get the snip, fly home, everybody is happy! Those crazy Mayans, they do a good line in astrology, I am a crocodile, very apt...

mayan astrology? i have never heard of such a thing. i bet i am a sloth.

I smell a new marketing trend. Vasectomies: The Gift That Keeps on Giving. Or something like that...

There are some doctors, out there, who are sympathetic to the plight of the "childfree by choice" crowd, but they're very few, and far between. And he really doesn't want to go "low cost" - I'd be scared that he'd be more likely to become a parent, that way (feeling secure, but having something be 'not quite snipped', and BAM!).

He definitely needs to use any money he can put towards a vasectomy, towards his teeth, instead, at this point.

he works at an internet coffee house now, so i know that he'll be checking to see what the general consensus is.

see, josh, you never thought of THAT did you?

Now I'm not implying that Josh sleeps with skanky hos, but even if he has a vasectomy there is still a need a condoms due to STDs so I don't see the benefit unless he's in a long term, monogamous relationship.

That, and I think the Mayan stuff is pish. I bet the Jaguar Gods don't believe in being snipped.

well, condoms aren't just for preventing unwanted pregnancies. they are also for preventing unwanted diseases. so if his hope is for never using condoms again, unless he is in a monogamous relationship, a vasectomy will not solve that problem. but if it is to really ensure that he does not become a father, seems like he can wait on that a bit. no use being a father without teeth.

let me rephrase that last bit...no use not being a father, without teeth.

i don't know how that makes a difference, really. i plead fuzzy-brain-itis yet again. it's too early in the morning.

apparently, having looked into this previously, there are a few ways of having it done, each one a bit more effective than the other, so a little research is advisable, also check that the doc has done this regularly as there are a few things that can go wrong, too much cut, problems with testosterone etc etc. Condoms are soooo good, why start cutting?

he has the partial plate. he just doesn't have a good permanent solution.

i tried to look up my mayan astrology sign but it was too hard and i got distracted by my chocolate donut.


Also, global climate change is occurring and making life even more unsustainable. This should also peak in about 7 years.
To this I say Yes! Goodbye humyn race!

blah blah blah.

I am concerned about the environment, believe me. however, global warming is not occurring at a rate that will end life by 2012. So no points granted for that argument.

also, I think I like the human race, because I'm part of it and like life. even if it does suck sometimes. I am fairly committed to sticking it out, so I can move on to the next stage when my time comes. which will not be Dec 23 2012.

and, finally, start saving your money, kid, cuz after you heal up from the high quality vasectomy I am buying you in feb. 2013, you are going to owe me the most AWESOME BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVERY GIVEN TO AN OLDER SISTER in Oct. 2013.

Whats you D.O.B. and I'll let you know, if you want...

I just read today that there is a new ebola like virus killing people. To this I say.... Awesome. I hope it takes out Los Angeles.

and when you say things like this, josh, what is your desired effect? that everyone agree with you that the human race is fucked up and we should all die?

not gonna happen.