Henceforth and from now on, I decree that whenever something bad happens to me, there shall be bunnies around.
After work today, Louise and I ate comfort food at Johnny Rocket's and worked on the review for Down on Ponce, for Satan's Bookclub. I was struggling. Never wrote a book review before. Usually, I just talk shit about stuff. Now I was trying to write a review, and BAMF... nothing. We made progress and I'm going to let it simmer over night and take a look at it again, in the morning.
Then we went to Barnes and Noble. *grin* I bought some new books to read. A Factory of Cunning by Philippa Stockley and Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley. I don't know which one to start first. Of course, I am also re-reading Lamb, as it is the book selection for the bookclub of Satan. [In case any of you were thinking about joining in.] It's one of my favorites, so it's no hardship.
And so ends a tiny bit of book news, from an otherwise uneventful day.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I thought it was funny that you mentioned bunnies and Lamb in the same entry since (aside from an Easter theme) I ordered two books from Overstock and just received them yesterday - Lamb and [one of the best book titles EVER] The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse.
And to continue my shortbus drivel, I love the soundtrack to Devil in a Blue Dress...and I love Denzel in a wifebeater...so it's times like these when the movie is better than the book.
Posted by: Kay | 28 avril 2005 8h44
The title is a quote from Lamb. :) I think it's a great quote, and I'd like bunnies to be around whenever something bad happens to me as well.
I have "Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse" on my "to read" pile too!
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 9h41