Ok everyone, raise your hands if you love sluts!
God dammit, I'm scared of America again.
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and all UW schools may be denied access to birth control if a bill proposed by State Rep. Daniel LaMahieu [sic] becomes law. If passed, the UW Birth Control Ban bill will prohibit health care facilities on campus from dispensing, advertising or prescribing birth control to adult female students. LaMahieu proposed the bill because he feels access to birth control “encourages women to be promiscuous.”
What if it does? What if it does encourage women to be promiscuous. Who the hell does he think he is to sit in judgment of us? When did our government become the shepherds of female morality? Fuck you, Mr. LaMahlieu. And be sure to keep that morning after pill from rape victims, while you're at it. You pompous, arrogant, over compensating, presumptuous, uptight, misogynistic, conceited little prick.
Ok, I'm done. [fuckwit] I should be able to lay off the profanity now. I realize my potty mouth is what garners me all the interesting search phrases. [assclown]. No..... sorry.... I can't seem to move past the name calling stage. [prissy little cock sucker] Aaarrrrghhh!!!!
Now it's my patriotic duty to be slutty, doesn't he understand that?
link from This is not over.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I think..it should be illegal for a male..to make any kind of law about what a woman can or can't do with her body... since its not like we have any clue what a woman actually goes through...
Posted by: Dan
27 avril 2005 23h56
As UW schools are STATE funded institutions, this will never, ever work.
If this were a PRIVATE institutions, like Notre Dame, well guess what, fuckwit students who pay the price of a HumVee each SEMESTER: You not only are at a PRIVATE institution (where they make all the rules without having to answer to a senator for funding,) but at a staunch CATHOLIC institution, where they've been against pretty much every form of contraceptive since, oh, EVER!!!
As a side note, I'll only be scared of America when we open the borders and offer free health care...
Posted by: Thomas | 28 avril 2005 3h33
private school, fine with me. don't care about private catholic schools. state schools, not ok.
still scared. I'm scared because people aren't mocking that man right out of government for even suggesting such a preposterous bill. The fact that it's even possible for him to propose such a bill without immediate national outrage is very frightening to me.
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 6h49
i'm not sure where the whole private vs. public argument came from. the post clearly states that this is a public school. withholding contraception is completely ridiculous. it's not even comparable to free health care: students PAY for the medications they get from health services, you know. at least i used to in college. so who is the government to stand in the way of my purchasing a completely legal and prescribed medication?
Posted by: arifa
28 avril 2005 8h01
also, i wanted to add that most college students are over 18.
Posted by: arifa
28 avril 2005 8h02
Okay, this is one of those days when I have a comment on every one of your recent posts....
Did you see that chick on Daily Show last night? She wrote a book called One Nation Under Therapy or something like that and John-Precious-John asked if it was really "that bad" and she responded by saying that Girl Scouts can now earn an "anti stress" badge by getting foot massages and the like.
Can we all fit in the proverbial handbasket we're going to Hell in?
Posted by: Kay | 28 avril 2005 8h39
I'm sorry I didn't clarify this more. My fear about free heathcare and open borders was in sole reference to Jodi's being "scared" of America. Now colleges scare me because they keep lowering standards so much, I think Terri Schiavo could have gotten an Associates degree in Medical Transcription.
I also think that if discussions of the more liberal side don't scare you (i.e. legalizing crack, free healthcare, limitless immigration, implementing socialist policies, etc,) then why you gotta bust the chops of some white guy proposing something because it jibes with his faith? Why don't people write scathing commentary on Fifty-Cent ("Fiddy" [shudders]) or Puffy when THEY thank God when accepting an award ("Yo, man. Puffy be all fucked up n'shit. He'z ain't got NO reason to bring God up in dis bitch! He'z beein an AFFRONT to mah Islamic posse bruthaz!")
To be afraid of someone suggesting a preposterous idea is to be afraid of the idea itself. To make it acceptable to refute by ridicule lends power to the mob.
Posted by: Thomas | 28 avril 2005 8h49
Speaking from past, past, past experience, BCPs do not a promiscuous girl make.
And I think cocksucker is one word (and that should help you out with the search phrases).
Posted by: Kay | 28 avril 2005 8h50
Kay, thank you for the spell check, it made me smile. :) I think our hand basket is one of those fuck-off SUV sized hand baskets.
Thomas, I'm pulling out the uterus card here; I cannot begin to explain to you how frightening it is to be a woman and hear crap like this taken remotely seriously. It's judgmental, ignorant and hateful. When women are fighting for reproductive rights every day, this is a HUGE step backwards and shows you just how second class some people still consider the female gender. And I think I am afraid of the idea itself.
Additionally, I don't care whether his faith tells him that this is the right idea, because I still believe in separation of church and state. Every day I see more and more evidence of right wing groups wanting to make this country officially Christian. Which frightens me enormously. Don't they see they are taking tiny baby steps towards the extreme religious terrorist groups they so fear? Pretty soon, even more rapists will go free because the victim was asking for it by wearing a short skirt.
And, finally, I could not care less who P. Diddy thanks in a speech because that is not government. His faith that god gave him that MTV award has nothing to do with me living with Conservative Christian dogma shoved down my throat.
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 9h24
I live in a society where men are demonized openly and expected to like it... no... we're expected to savor every morsel of our own blood in our mouth as we're kicked in the face for a piece of meat hanging between our legs that make us produce a hormone making us prone to aggressive behavior. Somehow, we're taught "we deserve it" for "sins of the father".
Yeah, here's another aggressive outburst for people who continue to berate us: Fuck you. Fuck you up the goat ass.
The next time I see Katie Couric's harpy visage droning on to yet another feminist expert on the latest molestation case, saying "Aren't most violent, loathesome, pedophillic attackers men?" And in response, hearing her told, "Yes! Men are bad. Bad, bad men. These pre-men must have done something to attack these women. Poor, poor helpless women. We're all still being repressed here in the US you know: Worse than the Taliban!"
Bitch all you want about some silly ass Christian fuck who is trying to follow his bizarre religious zealotry, but sure as FUCK expect me to bitch about the male DNA database the Feminazi regime wants because "Men are born criminals."
Plus, I'm white and financially sound. Double, triple fuck me. Add in that I'm above the government's recommended weight: I'm the fucking anti-Christ.
So lets all tell these white men what they can say, but let's not call it that! Let's just say how scared we are and shame him into self-censorship. Soon, we can shape all language everywhere into something that doesn't threaten anyone. All hail the Freedom of RightSpeak.
(By the way, I agree with you that the birth control pills shouldn't be denied. Go figure: I can argue vehemently even when we come to the same conclusions.)
Posted by: Thomas | 28 avril 2005 13h08
I am not denying his right to say these things. I'm all about the free speech. No one is going to deny his right to be a dumb fuck. I don't remember saying anything about that. What I am saying is, the fact that he says these things, and people don't confront it. The idea is hateful and backwards and discriminatory. And it's just OK! Maybe his bill won't get passed, and the whole thing will blow over, but you can't tell me that he doesn't cause damage with his statements. And people should be counteracting that damage, not trying to keep him silent. They should be doing everything they can to insure that crap like this is not taken seriously. These are not the thoughts of an enlightened man. And I'd say the same thing to anyone who told me all men are born criminals, and wants a mandatory dna database. But if you want to argue about gender repression, bring it on.
you can argue with me, even when we come to the same conclusion because you like to get me all riled up and in a fighting mood. admit it! :)
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 13h20
Here's something to get all the ladies riled up:
Genetically, as the primates we are we're supposed to be the bosses. It's like we both started out playing the game of life, and our genetic ancestors decided men were supposed to head down the "College Route" and women went the "High School Route." Physically, on the whole, we're bigger, stronger and only our orgasms are biologically necessary for procreation. Every 28 days, we don't have a cycle hindering us, and when your cycle isn't regular due to being with child or past child bearing years, we can go on fucking and making babies well into our 80's.
Those are the rules, GO!
No... those aren't changeable, and while there are freaks like the thing that is now known as "Chyna Doll" and the guy who played The Commish that violate the above rule, they are the proverbial "exceptions that prove the rule" to be true.
That is why it's Darwinisticly natural for males to dominate. To subvert that order of things is to betray your biological building blocks.
Also, the black men were engineered to be athletically superior by slavery, Japanese people have a bazillion layers of politeness because they're fucking overcrowded, English people have problems with their teeth and the French army needs sunscreen for their armpits, they surrender so much.
How awful of me to say such things, no matter how true, eh?
So now we're enlightened. Old axioms may still be true, but we need to make it more fair for everyone. In essence, compromise what made us great by hindering the successful. Quotas, policies, legislation, case studies: All of it to make the strongest of our society only as strong as the weakest. If one fails, we all fail.
How socially responsible! How socially aware! How social-ist!
Now I'm not one to say that women aren't important, or that our evolved sense of shame (the only thing that separates us from animals) isn't a good thing. Au contraire! I think now that we have empowered, able women in our rank and file of leadership, we are a stronger society. I think we could be even stronger yet if we didn't punish the successful, whether it be physically superior or economically.
I guess what I'm saying is that gender oppression of women is patently wrong. Gender repression of men will lead to the collapse of the civilized world.
Posted by: Thomas | 28 avril 2005 14h53
"...me living with Conservative Christian dogma shoved down my throat."
jodi, i've been feeling the exact same thing.
as a non-christian, i pretty much let other people's beliefs bounce right off my shoulders and not let their way of life bother me. it has become increasingly hard to let things bounce off though, when things are starting to affect my daily life.
people who are not christian have no idea how it can be living as a non-christian. we say this is a country with religious freedom, but it is not really. not in spirit. and it is especially NOT free with people like bush as president. the pledge of allegiance, our money, most of our patriotic songs, most holidays, the oathes we give in a court of law, etc... all of them refer to god, and a primarily christian one at that.
generally, i know that our country has a lot of idiots, and even worse, that some of those idiots are in power making decisions for all of us. that is a standard annoyance we have to live with, and i doubt we will ever escape it. so be it.
BUT lately, those idiots are basing more and more of their decisions on their christian-based religious ideas. those of us who are female, not christian, or liberal-leaning are seeing laws made or attempted that certainly come across as limiting ours or others freedom specifically. and even if none of the laws have actually changed officially or legally, the fact is that people in power are making more statements to that effect and are attempting to take more and more steps in that direction.
so while this idiot's bill might never be passed, the fear lies in the undercurrent of hate and judgmental attitudes that so many more people are trying to force on the country unofficially AND legally. and it is fucking scary as hell!!
personally, i don't feel this is a women's only or non-christian-only issue, because i see this as a precursor to EVERYONE'S freedoms being taken away. the fact is, our rights are already being limited since 9-11. when one person loses a freedom or a right, we all lose somewhat.
balancing the good of all people with the good of an individual person or small group is very difficult. i think we are, well at least, i am, just pointing out that the scales are not being balanced appropriately. and it damn well feels like someone is cheating the scales against us.
i don't just blame well-to-do, white males for this...i blame society as a whole. it's way more complicated than to say any one group of people is responsible for this undercurrent of hate and intolerance. i've seen people of every race, gender, culture, background, socioeconomic status express some of the same messages. that these feelings are so widespread is also part of the scariness.
Posted by: river selkie
28 avril 2005 14h59
"Gender repression of men will lead to the collapse of the civilized world."
Thomas, to that I say "bwahahahaha!" Good luck in your civilized world with your biologically necessary orgasms, when women will not allow you into their wombs anymore. Gender repression of men would lead to... well, nothing much. Men are stronger and able to fertilize eggs. They are the muscle, the workers the, dare I say it, meat. Repress them, and they'll end up drone bees. Women are thinkers, feelers, planners and life givers. Why not let the women take over for awhile. Testosterone has gotten us into enough trouble, I say. Why not take a more nurturing approach to life?
Why, go ahead and let the big strong men give into their biological urges! Let them build stuff and haul stuff and flex their muscles. Chicks dig muscles. Feeling aggressive? Go out and hunt and gather for a while. Feeling sexy? Spread your seed for a more biologically diverse, and healthier, gene pool. And when you are tired and worn out, we'll pat your on your heads and thank you for all your hard work.... maybe give you a massage, and then get back to the business of running the world and raising children. With our reported stronger communication and interpersonal skills. If necessary, we'll take care of our own orgasms, thank you very much.
Condescending much? You bet, but that's what life has been life for women for centuries. Denied legal, financial, educational, reproductive and personal rights, they've fought their way up to a point where people [i.e.: men] are beginning to recognize that our differences are complementary and only when both genders are strong and valued will society have a rat's ass chance in hell of becoming enlightened. Civilization did not end because of our repression. Nor would it end because of yours. It would just suck. There is nothing in my biological building blocks that tells me I need a man for anything other than sperm, and that's only if I want babies. It's in my heart and in my mind that I know I want a man for something more than that. But only if he recognizes that, when you take everything into consideration [including muscles mass and strength] we are equal in importance and value. And to repress us is to throw risk throwing nature out of whack. Because it's starting to piss us off, in case you haven't noticed.
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 15h37
amen sister! oh, wait... not "amen." more like "here here!"
Posted by: Jodi
28 avril 2005 15h42
Thomas - I'll give you Chyna Doll (is she really a man, or a woman? Does anybody know?), but Michael Chiklis?!?! Oh HELL no! The character he is playing now is pretty much the quintessential man, according to your description above.
Tell you what - I'll agree to answer your questions, on my blog, if you'll agree to watch at least two episodes of The Shield. This Michael Chiklis bashing has got to stop. Now.
Posted by: Marie
28 avril 2005 16h34
bwahahahaa! careful thomas, she's serious about watching the shield. i had to agree to it to get her to read the bookclub book. it is sitting there, on my tivo, waiting for me to watch it. probably this weekend.
I, however, agreed to do the questions for FREE.
Posted by: jodi | 28 avril 2005 16h36
Oh, I am so totally serious about watching it.
Posted by: Marie
28 avril 2005 16h49
that's what life has been life for women for centuries. Denied legal, financial, educational, reproductive and personal rights.
That has been the case for the majority of people throughout history, male or female. Thanks to the much maligned white males there has been a drastic improvement in much of the world. Oh and as far as conservitive christians taking away our rights the threat to our individual rights comes from liberals and conservatives, and the libertarians, well they are the libertarians and havn't got much of a chance to do much of anything. The problem as I see it is that the world is to full of busy bodies who's lack of self control leads to a desire to bring order to society by restricting others.
Posted by: Victor | 28 avril 2005 19h00
Jodi, women have had the opportunity to become the "queen bees" for centuries, even going so far as to have "drones" start wars over them. The fact that your "Double X" club hasn't been more successful only shows that 1) you are woefully ineffective at following through on such a plan (probably because, damn the luck, you love your sons as much as you do your daughters, and YOUR sons couldn't possibly be like the OTHER men, right?) or 2) a group of women will fall to their own catty infighting allowing the stronger men to come into puppet positions that they get accustomed to, forcing out the women by policies and religious hokum.
Christianity wasn't the first religion to subjugate and belittle women, it's just one of the newest ones. And this country wasn't founded to be a bastion of all religions, just the fanatical Puritans who were kicked out of anywhere else (and the Puritans were actually quite open about sexuality: The leaders even threatened a man with a beating unless he had sex with his wife when they discovered he had been withhholding for two years. It was the 19th century revisionists who made them out to be sexually inert.) Why the HELL do you think that Joseph Smith was beaten by PUBLIC officials everywhere he went when he was trying to spread the word about Mormonism. If you're looking for tolerance and open mindedness, perhaps you were fooled by the hippies and stoners in the 60's. There's a reason Martin Luther King Jr. said he "had a dream": When he woke up, he found that like every other dream, it didn't jibe with reality.
So do we continue to rip at the fabric upon which this country has been built? Do we tunnel away at it's principles, propping it up here and there to save face while we subvert every piece of language that forged this country? Do we cut the balls off America, shove our hands in the cavity and make it every radicals' ventriloquist dummy? "NAMBLA has a right to teach at daycare centers! Pagan sacrifice should be OK if the person being sacrificed agrees to it! Babies still nursing to survive can be dropped into your corner 'Tot-away' when they become a burden!"
Why not?
I mean, we already have convoluted our foundation so much that it's collapsing on itself: Kids on shooting rampages, reality TV driving down the lowest common denominator, a two party system at such odds that a person like GWB can get elected president. You think that, after 50 more years of this forced downward spiral, there will be anything left to try to save?
I hope so but, looking at our future with it's pants slung down to it's knees, apathetic attitude, listing to hip-hop and speaking a language that has less and less similarities to English, I wonder when someone will finally say, "OK, this shit isn't working. Let's try something different."
A little too late. The country is dead, but the government remains.
Posted by: Thomas | 29 avril 2005 6h29
david bowie has been in my head since i first read your post.
not that that is a bad thing, oh no. muy bueno.
Posted by: river selkie
29 avril 2005 8h42
I'm afraid of americans
I'm afraid of the world
I'm afraid I can't help it
I'm afraid I cant.....
Posted by: Marie
29 avril 2005 8h55
i was racking my brain, looking for the david bowie in my post. :)
Posted by: Jodi
29 avril 2005 8h59
Maybe she should have said that she's had David Bowie, and Trent Reznor/NIN, in her head. Would that have helped..?
Posted by: Marie
29 avril 2005 9h18
probably. the weird thing is, i hear that song in my head, as well, when i read certain political posts. and yet, when you said that, about david bowie, i thought about Fame. for some reason.
Posted by: Jodi
29 avril 2005 15h28
ah, sorry. it was obvious to me. but marie got it right off.
Posted by: river selkie | 30 avril 2005 0h01