If she were 3D, Amelia would be smacking her head against the wall.
"This is the single least expensive way to do it, bar none, no exceptions, the least expensive. *pause* There is one exception...."
"Wha.. wha.. what? Hang on... you can't say bar none and then say there is another way!!"
"Shhhhh, Amelia, look - I turned the page on the kitten calendar! Aren't May's kittens cute? Widdle kitties..."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.They should have stated "the least expensive way to do it that anyone would conceivably believe, agree upon, or not laugh uncontrolably while rolling and trying not to pee, bar none...."
If it rains cats and dogs in April, do you really get May widdle kitties?
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 mai 2005 14h56
oh god only knows what the one exception to the single least expensive way to buy the software bar none was. i was too busy chatting up evildeb to point out the inherent flaw in his logic.
i WISH there were widdle kitties all over the place! think of the fun!
Posted by: Jodi
2 mai 2005 16h18