All of the sudden I am sick
Like that. BAMF! I came home from work last night, and went into my room to kick my shoes off, I got a little too close to my bed and it sucked me in and under the covers. It has a tendency to do that. Pru was happy because she was looking for something warm and squishy to lie down upon, something into which she could hook her claws. All of the sudden I wake up, it's 30 minutes later, and I am sick. Just like that. Sore throat, congestion, achey head... some stupid cold just came in and bit me.
I came into work today, but most people have requested I go home. Everyone stands well away from me. Except Amelia. Speaking of her... many people tell me that what the world needs now are bracelets that say W.W.A.D. That would be cool. I asked her what she would do in my situation, if she were sick:
"I think you should go over and lick the monkee's phone receiver, when he's away from his desk."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Yes, I hope you licked the receiver! Do it! Awesome! If he gets REALLY sick, it will almost be worth your going to work. Do it and go home. And yes, I think the WWAD bracelets (in tasteful sepia) would be fabo. I'd buy 'em a lot faster than those stupid Lance Armstrong thingies.
Posted by: Suzi | 3 mai 2005 11h07
Does this mean you can call the 900 number lines and get the sex workers sick?
Posted by: Thomas | 3 mai 2005 11h32
do you mean get them sick with just the power of my voice? or would I get them sick by licking my phone receiver while speaking to them?
either way, I think they are safe from me. because a: I wouldn't do that to the hard working gals and guys in the phone sex industry, they didn't do anything to deserve it. and b: talking to me on the phone is one of your safer ways of talking to me right now. email, phone, chat... remote communications. it is those who are in my general proximity, physically, who are in danger.
Posted by: Jodi
3 mai 2005 11h44
Ewww - I really hate it when I get sick all of a sudden, like that. You're not alone, though, Veronica woke up with a raging headache, runny nose, and a cough, so she's hanging with mom today. Feel better, but not before you lick the Monkee's phone receiver! =)
Posted by: Marie
3 mai 2005 12h29
umm... might i suggest spitting on the Monkee's phone receiver instead of actually licking it? unless, of course, you want to be that up close and personal with the thing the Monkee talks into all day long. :)
Posted by: loon
3 mai 2005 13h43
loon... you are a genius. i didn't even think of that.... i must be feverish. of COURSE i don't want to lick anything his hand has touched.
Posted by: Jodi
3 mai 2005 13h49
Don't know if your a drinker, but a nice hot toddie really is fantastic for such occasions... I might recommend a sipping glass of Crown Royal with a dash of Sprite/Your fav non colored fiz, with a dash of cajun pepper and some fresh squeezed lemon (or lime (It's the citrus))... Oh - And if this appeals to you, try a shot and a half of night-time NyQuil first... Then as you sip the toddie, lay back in bed, curl your toes around the sheets, read something very slowly, and you'll most certainly wake up tomarrow feeling, well, at-the-least, better. If not healed! **DISCLAIMER: Remember to set alarm clock prior to ritual!
Sleep tight Jodi
: )
Posted by: Brett | 3 mai 2005 14h37
i left work early and it looks like i should have stopped at the liquor store on the way home. instead i stopped at jamba juice. for a strawberry [soon to be renamed] tsunami with an immunity boost. soothing on the throat and citrusy good.
Posted by: Jodi
3 mai 2005 15h08
Ah Jodiferous - I didn't know that Jamba had stores in the beautiful North West... I get by there two or three times a week myself... I like the protein berry pizzaz and always add the imunity boost for good measure... Yum yum!
I'm not sure booze has any real medicinal qualities... I think its more the (usually) good sleep that follows a stiff drink... I started adding the NyQuil because it dries up the sinus' which helps sleep along... Combined, its a sleepful remedy...
Good luck!
Sleep tight!
Posted by: Brett! | 3 mai 2005 16h22
Take care of yourself Jodi. Don't be stupid and try the whole one year shit. I need your intellect to compensate for my lacking ability. Balance, remember.
Oh, don't lick or spit. Just my opinion.
Posted by: DrinkJack
3 mai 2005 18h22
i just don't understand why people don't use the force anymore these days.
take care. maybe amelia could take you out flying, some good fresh air could help. ;)
Posted by: river selkie | 3 mai 2005 21h38
No, it's large quantities of vodka and orange to cure a cold or the flu, the vodka numbs the effects, the vit c does the business. Now, do this properly, lick the rim of his cup and suck the spoon he uses to stir hi tea/coffee.
Posted by: andy boy | 4 mai 2005 1h03
I wouldn't be so sure that remote communication is safe - I woke up a horrible sore throat, and my ears are throbbing. Thanks a lot! =)
Posted by: Marie
4 mai 2005 8h59
Sometimes, I wish I had the power to punch people in the face over simple TCP/IP. No cures here, as I never get sick. But I do get headaches all the time at work, so I ve been taking beer in my lunch, and having a few out back with my usual lunchtime Dunhill’s. The headache stays, but buzz last well until quitting time, which ultimately is more important. The work place environment is not meant for people with finer temperaments... I have never found a work place where I could feel properly adjusted. Nor have I found great ease with those that I have worked with. Office politics, and romances aside, I find most of the people to be untrustworthy weasels, greed heads, and shameless opportunists. I tell myself “Keep you eye on the prize, man, you will only have hold it together until retirement. That’s only another 30 years.”
Posted by: William | 4 mai 2005 8h59
I prefer hot sake - loosens the chest, head, and mentality! That and some pickled ginger and you're set!
As for spit, I had a biology teacher that said it's hard to catch anything cold-wise orally because mouth spit is far less contagious than nasal or eyeball "juice" (for lack of a better, less gross word). Got any q-tips?
Posted by: Kay | 4 mai 2005 16h04
I think loons onto something. Spit don't lick. Ew. Okay...that totally sounded like something else. [Topic change!] Is that your picture over there? I don't think I've ever seen you before!
Posted by: Chris | 4 mai 2005 17h08