Patient #286-JSH
Hey kids, my advice to you is, don't get sick. I am having the worst time shaking this. I start feeling better, and then I get all sick again. I either get a fever again, or I add some new symptom. Like last night and the throwing up. Hello? I don't throw up! Especially not when I just have a cold. Today I just feel really ... weak; very lightheaded and dizzy. I went out in the car to get something to eat, it took me until 2pm to work up to it, and that turned out to be a bad idea. Not the eating part, the operating heavy machinery part. So I came home. Even when typing my fingers are tripping over each other.
Enough already! Bored now. Time for health. Chop chop! You have until tomorrow to show up.
Nap time.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I wish I could be there to get stuff for you. Like soup or better drugs. Tough to fight it alone. Keep off the computer and rest, darn it. You better be reading this after you feel better! Seriously, turn the Tiger off now :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
7 mai 2005 19h11
Is she weird... The Pixies, Live at the BBC, Will exercize any demon from you.... ill do medicine buddha matra for you as well, or wait, fuck that.... ill just listen to the whole Pixies album, ande drink more beer, either way bubba, youre in in good hands....
Posted by: William | 7 mai 2005 20h07
coincidentally, william, i was listening to the pixies this morning. it was either "get out of bed and get dressed" or "listen to death to the pixies."
don't worry jack, i read books, ate food and finally got around to watching all the special features on the xmen 2 dvd.
Posted by: Jodi
7 mai 2005 23h20
perhaps you need one of my trusty anti-voodoo kits. it involves david bowie singing labyrinth songs.
Posted by: river selkie | 7 mai 2005 23h25
Jodi, I think at this point you could recategorize the "cold" to "flu" and feel more satisfied with the length of time it's taking to get over. Actually, five days is pretty short! And think of all the fun Tiger things you got to do. Jealous!
When I (get a new and better-paying job/sell my first novel for a mountain of money), I'll get a new computer with Tiger. Only by that time they'll probably be on Snow Leopard or Canadian Lynx or something. Whatever, I like big cats.
Hope Sunday is better than Saturday. But X2? Lucky you...
Posted by: Suzi | 8 mai 2005 9h39
The dread that I had felt in the coming days has melted away. I have a strange feeling of calm. The calm was replaced by boredom, and feelings of extreme laziness. Being the night administrator is a strange promotion to receive. It places me in the vortex of the client base. I need to know everything about all 60 plus clients. But the promotion has given me no forward momentum as far as general position in the rank and file of the organization. Straight line: I have no official powers, and am not compensated in the same fashion of my counter parts. I am likened to a porter that was dragged to the cockpit, placed in front of the controls, and told not to hit anything, nor to press any buttons, but if there is a fire we have left you a pale.
So far so good, effectively the last analyst leaves here at 1:30 am, and no one comes in until 4:00 am. So now I sit here waiting. The down side of this experiment is that I won’t be able to effectively see where the shortcoming of my training is until its too late. Its on the job training here at Captain Good Times Fun Factory. I work at a helpdesk, this is the fast food of the IT world. We are all out sourced key board monkeys. Happy for the work mind you. But amount of knowledge that the average Analyst here knows is mind boggling. One call you helping some low rent hick get his dial up internet to work in his newly AOL free world. “Yes ma’am you need to double click the BIG Blue E on the desk top….” This is usually followed by the End Users exclamation, “oh my stars it’s the internet.” The next call could be web hosting related, or hardware, or VPN software, Wireless networking…. And the list goes on. There are 3 main Verticals here ISP, Wi-Fi, and managed services. And I am one of the few Tier one analysts that can do them all.
And so I watch the clock tick away. What anti-climactic end to a twisted and strange journey. Even Arthur Rimbaud became a trader, shaking free from the shackles of poetry. The hi-way man must eventual get out of the way for the new breed. We all fall in line with the great law of the universe which all things composite are governed. And we see the only constant to be disintegration.
In the words of the wise men “…even this, shall pass. “
May 08 2005
Posted by: william | 9 mai 2005 1h52