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vasectomies gone bad and naughty babysitters

I've been using a demo of a stats service, that gives me a bit more information than what comes on my server. You know how addicted I am to webstats. In addition to providing valuable information for those looking for things in Nova Scotia [lottery numbers, sluts, food of various kinds, surgerical procedures] I get a lot of searches for people wanting to do things faster - for example - type. That's how I found out there is a porno called "Faster Pussycat F*ck F*ck!" Of course there is... and the asterisks are to keep people looking for this fine film from being sidetracked by me. But my favorite two search referrals this week are:

how to write wedding vowels
how often should i feed my koi?

Normally, I would say I am the last person you want helping you write anything for a wedding, but when it comes to the vowels, I think I can help you out, just send me an email. But just the vowels! You are going to have to get the consonants from someone else. The number one search referral for jodiferous.com this week, and I am SUPER excited about this:

Hot Dog on a Stick!!!

I love hot dog on a stick! Mmmmmm.... meat on a stick.

Heads up: advance notification on tomorrow's 50 fiction theme. The theme is: color.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Hot dog on a stick? How cool is that? Wow! Congrats, Jodi, and I totally mean that. I'm jealous.

Color, huh? Color...hrmm...ok, I'm going to go think on that for awhile.

Any eula will work for wedding vows, just replace the name of the cooperation with the name of the other party, and the expectant transgressor will be the EU. It simple law, and knowing the rules, is better than not knowing the rules. They both will thank you in the long run

"Any eula will work for wedding vows"

bwhahahahaa! in the unlikely event I get married, I'm going to use a EULA.

Damn, I had to look up EULA. Should have known better.

Jodi -- You get all of the cool searchers. Do you think it was a Jeopardy contestant looking for "Corn Dog". They would have lost. Not in the form of a question.

Sorry... a EULA is an End User License Agreement. It's what you agree to, without reading it, when you install software. Everyone just hits agree, and never reads it. So, in tech support, it's always fun to point out to someone when they are doing something we don't support. Like sharing our software with 50 people. And we get to point out the EULA. We could put "anything" in there, if we wanted to. Y'all would just agree and move on...