At work... it's Amelia, at home... it's Pru
"It was so scary! It said the internet was down, that I didn't have access! And I couldn't email and I could browse the web, and yet I was still chatting! I was chatting with DrinkJack... or was I dreaming? Could I have been dreaming? A booze induced dream from the Brutal Fruit I just drank?"
"But then.... but then, I restarted, and it all came back. And then it went away...then I repaired permissions... and it's back"
"Only one bottle? God you suck when you are drinking."
"Hey... don't put limitations on my suckage like that... I suck ALL THE TIME. Perfectly sober!"
"'nuff said?"
"who's a baby kitty? you are! you're my fluffy baby kitty!!"
"shut up."
"come on... whooooo's your mommy? WHO. IS. YOUR. MOMMY?"
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You let your kitty talk to you this way? Shocking.
Hey, I'll be the 50-word starter if you need one...let me know.
Posted by: Suzi | 18 mai 2005 14h08
it's her house, i just pay the rent and buy the food and put the freshly laundered sheets on the bed she lets me sleep in by the grace of her goodness.
Posted by: Jodi
18 mai 2005 15h29