Somebody just mentioned pie, and it reminded me of a story.
Did I ever tell you guys about my sixth birthday? That was the year I wanted a pie thrown in my face. Because I had learned, by watching the television, that a pie in the face was the ultimate in funny. That was the upper echelon of humor. Odd how I wanted the pie in my face, instead of doing the throwing of the pie at someone else. Maybe I understood, even then, to get humor, you had to occasionally be the but of it. Of course, my mom did it. She smacked me, gently, in the face with a portion of a banana cream pie. Some of it was set aside for eating, of course. And you know what? FUNNY! Totally and completely funny! And delicious.
I wish I had pictures of it.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.At six, of course that was the ultimate in funny. Pie is good on the inside and the outside.
Posted by: DrinkJack
18 mai 2005 18h15
I sincerely hope that one day I will have a child ask me for this very thing.
It might be the ultimate in funny that you asked for it...
Posted by: Kaycee | 18 mai 2005 19h01
Why aren't my kids that FUNNY, I wonder...?
Posted by: Marie
18 mai 2005 23h31
hey... we can't all be funny, marie. someone has to be cute. or smart. or hard working.
I worry, kaycee, that kids today are missing out on the "funny" due to a lack of variety shows on television like "donnie and marie" and "sonny and cher" and all the other numerous variety shows in the 70's from which i learned that PIE is FUNNY.
Posted by: Jodi
19 mai 2005 7h11