You know, this would be more fun if you were silent.
Yesterday Tessa and M-roo went out to lunch, and invited me along. But they were going to have Thai food, and I wasn't feeling Thai. I was, again, feeling cheeseburger. Which they agreed, sounded like a good idea for a future lunch. So I scheduled a lunch club, the Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club, first meeting to be at Redmill Burgers. Louise is part of the club, as well. Unfortunately, Evildeb is a vegetarian, although I might tell her about it, it seems wrong for her to belong to the Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club.... if she's not going to do it. Eat meat, that is. Louise also pointed out a restaurant she's wanted to try called the Buenos Aires Grill, in Seattle. It would appear that this a restaurant that knows it's meat. You can get a platter of mixed meats, and they bring a grill to your table. Every review I've read keeps pointing out the menus are leather and their are cowhides draped on the walls. The Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club might have to go to dinner. They have tango dancing as well, but as Louise put it, "I don't care about that, I'm there for the meat."
Speaking of Evildeb, she is down in Oregon today and tomorrow, on a vendor visit. So I was very surprised to see her signed into her yahoo account this morning, when she should have been on the road. I asked her why she was online, she was supposed to be at the vendors, and she told me she was at BCC. [Bellevue Community College]. She's been taking some classes there lately. But that's not where she was supposed to be, so I continued to harass her. She seemed confused. Then The Man walked up and asked where Lloyd was, so we began to wonder if it was actually Lloyd at BCC, taking a class, with Evildeb's laptop. So we continued to pester her some more, sending line after line of nonsense chat, explaining how The Man had taken her chopsticks from her desk and was doing something with them that involved his nasal cavity, how even if geese could talk they could not say the word "esophagus"... stuff like that. . Nothing... she wasn't explaining herself and we had a meeting to go to, so we let it go.
When I got back from the meeting, I IM'd her again, and whomever answered admitted that they were not Deb, that they were at BCC and when they logged into the computer, messenger launched and logged in automatically, and they did not know how to log out. Which means that Evildeb installed Yahoo messenger on a computer in their lab and unknowingly set it up to log into her yahoo account automatically. That made me laugh. It made The Man laugh as well. Deb says she has a class on Sunday, and she will take care of it then, but I'm still thinking about how often FairlyEvilJacob IM's her from college, during the day. Oh that poor anonymous BCC computer student! How far-reaching is Deb's evil!!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Computers allow so many ways to screw up. They are programed like that :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 mai 2005 17h20
but some of us screw up better than others.
Posted by: Jodi
19 mai 2005 18h04
Definitely do the Buenos Aires Grill.
I've dined at the Argentina Grill in Houston, using the Assortment of Dead Animals on a Grill at Your Table option, and it was wonderful! Divine! Carnivore heaven!
We were also impressed with Argentine wines . . .
Posted by: Anne | 19 mai 2005 19h25
ohmygod! and assortment of dead animals on a grill at my table is a dream come true!!!
if god had not wanted us to eat meat, he wouldn't have given us incisors.
Posted by: Jodi
19 mai 2005 23h13
i want a Girls Who Eat Veg Lunch Club. it's harder to find us great places than it is you carnies.
that would be fun!
Posted by: river selkie
20 mai 2005 2h05
You will have to start one, River. It could be fun. Except for the whole veggies part. blech.
here in seattle, we are practically smacked in the face with vegetarian and vegan foods. in fact, it's almost more defiant, here, to be a carnivore club.
Posted by: Jodi
20 mai 2005 8h47
As someone who has gone the way of the Vegan, I MISS BACON!
Posted by: andy boy | 23 mai 2005 4h39
*gasp* Vegan!! oh andy... no, surely not all the way vegan!
of course you miss bacon. bacon is essential to life. how could you not love bacon. almost everything is better with bacon on it.
Posted by: Jodi
23 mai 2005 6h16
Well, I say all the way vegan, apparently because i wear Dr Martens i am not a vegan because of the leather, I think people will only be happy when we're all living on a mountain, wearing sacks and chewing leaves and roots. (Brocolli, Sir? Brocolli is a side dish, always was always, will be) My Dr martens are wet-look PVC and they are so cool. So I am vegan, I don't drink, don't smoke, and sex is my only vice, although the more i think about that bacon...Apparently bacon and melted cheese is lovely...
Posted by: andy boy | 23 mai 2005 6h42
Okay, this is a little late to respond but I've been Down Unda for the last week or so.
DEFINITELY go to Buenos Aires Grill. I didn't eat the meat (but I want too next time) but the calimari, empanandas, and swiss chard au gratin with bacon ROCK.
Posted by: Kay | 23 mai 2005 10h57