A song for Jack..
Jack and I were chatting about music earlier, I told him I would post this song.
Somewhere Down the Crazy River
Robbie Robertson
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Jack and I were chatting about music earlier, I told him I would post this song.
Somewhere Down the Crazy River
Robbie Robertson
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Now that song brings back a few memories, which I may be better off not sharing. It just does. (Good memories. Real good.)
Posted by: Marty | 20 mai 2005 20h41
it's an awesome song.
Posted by: Jodi
20 mai 2005 21h25
Now that is a sweet, sweet song. Especially slightly buzzed with the night's music still ringing in my ear. It kind of just caps the night, gentle like.
Thanks, and have a great night!
Posted by: DrinkJack
20 mai 2005 22h27