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Brace yourself, I'm going to hug you.

Feeling pretty geek right about now. I went out and spent some money on an ethernet router, so that I can fulfill my G4 tower's destiny as the mp3 server. BAMF! Now robin [that's the mini's name] is hooked up to the internet, and the tower is hooked up to her. Everyone has been hooked up. It's like a giant group hug. And when I bring squishy home, there's room for her too.

Now I am going to go watch a movie... whatever is in that mysterious red netflix envelope. Who knows!!


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Always satisfying to have a fully operational network at your beck and call.

i need more things at my beck and call.

Ahhh, networking! Gotta love it. Now? The universe!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, enough about MP3 servers....have you had a chance to play The Sims 2, yet.....?

no, it's now out yet. june 13th.