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Today saw the inaugural meeting of the Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club. it went something like this:

Roll call: Jodi [present] Tessa [present] Louise [present] KK [present] M-roo?.... M-roo? [officially sucks]
Review of Agenda: 1. Eat Meat 2. Decide where to eat meat at next meeting.
Consumption of Meat
Closing: Where should we eat meat next? (The Other Coast Cafe)

It was lovely. Bacon cheeseburgers and french fries all around. We should probably get t-shirts.

Also, a new word was created today.

peequency |ˈpēkwənsē|
noun ( pl. >-cies)
1 the rate at which someone must urinate over a particular period of time

Jane was a pain on road trips as her high peequency resulted in too many rest stops.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

Peequency? I can use that! Victor has an amazingly high peequency! I can't wait to tell him of your new word, once he gets home! Thanks!


Can you invent a word that rhymes with orange. That really has bugged me for many years now. But I have no luck on word invention.

meat is nasty.
I dont' have anywhere to live again. It's okay though, my friend who is letting me store all my shit at his house says I can sleep in his basement as long as I crawl in through the coal shute and don't wake up his psycho roommate. Awesome.
Molly and I are trying to throw together a puppet show about sexual assault to be performed by tomorrow night. I'm thinking of incorporating that thing I wrote about dad into it. I dunno if we'll even be able to pull it off though.

you, little brother, don't know nothing about nothing. meat is good.

homeless again, eh? what do you need a home for, I thought you were hitching to NY any day now.

Nah, I'm flying to NYC. Traveling in style for once. I can only take so much time off from the coffee shop. As much as I miss waiting in train yards, and dusty on ramps for days and days and days.

Oh yeah, and I'm on an insane bruce springsteen kick lately.
Nebraska is the best album ever.
I like darkness on the edge of town a lot too.

Thats like the exact total opposite of me. I'm not a girl, I don't eat meat and I rarely ever eat lunch. It would be like me if I was in Bizarro World.