Today saw the inaugural meeting of the Girls Who Eat Meat Lunch Club. it went something like this:
Roll call: Jodi [present] Tessa [present] Louise [present] KK [present] M-roo?.... M-roo? [officially sucks]
Review of Agenda: 1. Eat Meat 2. Decide where to eat meat at next meeting.
Consumption of Meat
Closing: Where should we eat meat next? (The Other Coast Cafe)
It was lovely. Bacon cheeseburgers and french fries all around. We should probably get t-shirts.
Also, a new word was created today.
peequency |ˈpēkwənsē|
noun ( pl. >-cies)
1 the rate at which someone must urinate over a particular period of time
Jane was a pain on road trips as her high peequency resulted in too many rest stops.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Peequency? I can use that! Victor has an amazingly high peequency! I can't wait to tell him of your new word, once he gets home! Thanks!
Posted by: Marie
2 juin 2005 15h49
Can you invent a word that rhymes with orange. That really has bugged me for many years now. But I have no luck on word invention.
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 juin 2005 17h31
meat is nasty.
I dont' have anywhere to live again. It's okay though, my friend who is letting me store all my shit at his house says I can sleep in his basement as long as I crawl in through the coal shute and don't wake up his psycho roommate. Awesome.
Molly and I are trying to throw together a puppet show about sexual assault to be performed by tomorrow night. I'm thinking of incorporating that thing I wrote about dad into it. I dunno if we'll even be able to pull it off though.
Posted by: Josh | 2 juin 2005 18h05
you, little brother, don't know nothing about nothing. meat is good.
homeless again, eh? what do you need a home for, I thought you were hitching to NY any day now.
Posted by: Jodi
2 juin 2005 18h24
Nah, I'm flying to NYC. Traveling in style for once. I can only take so much time off from the coffee shop. As much as I miss waiting in train yards, and dusty on ramps for days and days and days.
Posted by: josh | 2 juin 2005 19h30
Oh yeah, and I'm on an insane bruce springsteen kick lately.
Nebraska is the best album ever.
I like darkness on the edge of town a lot too.
Posted by: Josh | 2 juin 2005 20h00
Thats like the exact total opposite of me. I'm not a girl, I don't eat meat and I rarely ever eat lunch. It would be like me if I was in Bizarro World.
Posted by: Chris | 5 juin 2005 16h29