I got this from Suzi
Your Expression Number is 5
A total multi-tasker, you have a wide variety of talents. You're very versatile and able to change at a drop of a hat. A free spirit, you crave change and adventure.
Clever and quick witted, you can convince anyone of anything. You can do anything you desire... though this sometimes gets you in trouble! Very popular, you're always thinking up new ways to entertain and amuse your friends.
Your restless and impatient attitude means you don't stay with projects for long. You tend to be erratic and scattered - it's hard for you to focus. You often find yourself in a state of flux with constantly changing interests.
What's Your Expression Number?
Scattered? Huh? What?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Now that sounds just like you.
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 juin 2005 18h30
3... ummm, yeah 3... man, all this time ive been telling chicks i was a solid 5, man... is my face red, the world is only fiction, so what the hell.
Posted by: William | 2 juin 2005 23h37