Oh yes, that's right; you're dying, you're bitter, blah, blah, blah... Fortunatley, I'm shallow, so I'm impervious to that, now eat it.
Evildeb has diagnosed me with ennui, and she is absolutely right. I am definitely suffering from an acute case of the blahs. I told her it was even hard to blog... as I had nothing to say but blah. All I really want to do is lay around and day dream because it's less blah than real life. blah.
My stepdad is back living in the house for the next two months. The lease on his wee little cabin is up, the ski bum who lives there in the summer is back. For the rest of June he'll be commuting up north. Which sucks for him. But he's taking July off to work on the house. What this means is, I do not, currently, live alone. That is hard for me. I'm used to living alone. Not that it's hard to live with my stepdad, it's just, I'm spoiled and selfish. My home is my sanctuary, it's a haven and a hiding place. I don't answer the phone if I can't tell who it is. Sometimes, I don't answer it even if I know who it is, if I want to be alone. If I want to vacuum at 3 am, I do. Not that I vacuum all that much. But you get the point. And if I don't want to answer to the door for fear of being served with legal papers, I don't. But my stepdad does. Answer the door, that is. You have NO IDEA who is on the other side of that door! It could be one of those kids who talks a million miles a minute and sells you a dozen magazine subscriptions at once. Which is why I always go to door with the phone in my hand, yelling "No No! It's 1 breath for every five compressions if you are doing it alone, trust me, I know my CPR, I'll talk you through it... put the phone up to grandpa's ear... LIVE GODDAMN YOU, GRANDPA, LIVE!!" My stepdad, however, has a dozen magazine subscriptions. Which sort of shocks me, because he is more than capable of looking at that kid and saying "no." while shutting the door.
What I'm saying is, it's me who has a problem. I've probably lived alone too long. It will probably be good for me. My grandma is coming to visit us, and I'll have to clean the house and NOT play the sims2 24/7 while she is here, in my underwear. This is good for me. But, I WANT TO PLAY THE SIMS2 24/7 IN MY UNDERWEAR! But.. .it will be good for me. And maybe, after two months, I'll know whether I can come out of my cave and have mature relationships with people. Or whether I should just give up now, get some more cats, a ratty bathrobe, and start yelling at the neighborhood kids to get off my god damn lawn.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.You're way too young and pretty to yell at the neighborhood kids in a ratty bathrobe. I suggest putting on a sexy baby-doll nightie and scold the kids in a sexy voice...
I predict 100% chance of early puberty in your neighborhood.
Posted by: Thomas | 7 juin 2005 14h17
When did you say the Sims 2, for MAC comes out, again? Do you already have it? Or are you still waiting...? I want to discuss the Sims 2 with you, dammit!
Posted by: Marie
7 juin 2005 14h59
roommates have a funny way of making one be civilized sometimes. hehe. i'm two roommates away from a ratty bathrobe, and a black cowl away from a cave.
Posted by: river selkie | 7 juin 2005 15h55
awww... shucks, Thomas. Luckily, there are very few kids around my house.
Marie, they come out next Monday. I am poised and ready. I will have a list of Apple stores and their phone numbers at my desk. Starting with the closest one to work and moving out towards my home. I will have that game in my hands on Monday. Swear to god.
river, i actually saw a "crazy cat lady" action figure yesterday. i almost bought it. i don't have enough cats. only one. i'm going to have to work on that.
Posted by: Jodi
7 juin 2005 16h09
Crazy People Are Right On!- Sebadoh
Posted by: William | 7 juin 2005 16h25
Making me laugh out loud again. Sorry to hear that you have lost your sanity, I mean sanctity. May I join you in your yelling fits?
Posted by: DrinkJack
7 juin 2005 19h26
If you have a ratty robe, you are welcome to join me, Jack. We're gonna need to get some more cats, tho.
Posted by: Jodi
7 juin 2005 23h57
Then you've got to think about the work he can do on the house. Oh sure, my dad stayed a little long for my ideal visitations (4 days - coming in late on the first and leaving early on the fourth) but when he left we had a ceiling fan in the living room (which previously had become a volcanic terrarium in the summers since the windows don't open), a light on the deck that looks good AND comes on automatically at nightfall, a cute little light in the zen garden, and a cool light for the bathroom. I scared of electricity but even more scared of electrician bills. So if he's going to work on the house, it'll be worth it.
And if anything, he doesn't need to know you don't really "have to work late again tonight" as you sneak into movies and such.
Posted by: Kay | 8 juin 2005 9h10