Happy Father's Day!
I have to tell you about the Father's Day card I got my stepdad. It was too perfect. It starts out:
In my heart, I always appreciated everything you did for me.
And goes on to say:
And, in my heart, I always cleaned my room.
And, in my heart, I always took out the trash.
The inside doesn't matter, it was the front of the card that made him laugh. It made my grandma laugh. It made my mom laugh. In fact, maybe everybody laughed a little too much? Hmmmm....
Here is a song for Father's Day!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Immortalized forever in my psyche by Christian Slater and that cute girl driving a Jeep.
Posted by: DrinkJack
19 juin 2005 18h24
the one i got my dad has these two aliens standing next to a dad who is strapped down on a lab table for analysis. and one alien says to the other one something to the effect of..."we've run into this kind before. whatever you do, do not pull their finger."
Posted by: river selkie | 19 juin 2005 21h35
no way. i HATE samantha mathis!
Posted by: river selkie
19 juin 2005 21h36
There's always that feeling of "Oh, God! One day they'll find out that I really have no idea what I'm doing."
Posted by: Samatha Mathis | 20 juin 2005 11h19
I had forgotten all about that song!
Posted by: Marie
20 juin 2005 16h19