My friends went to Utah and all I got was this fabulous t-shirt.
It's time for another episode of our fashion segment "What's on Jodi's t-shirt today?"
Bonus points if you know the meaning behind the shirt and are not Überbrain. [sorry übers, it's too easy for you.]
Did you ever have one of those days where you were walking through the office and you sudden began to fear that you did not put on pants today? So you look down, and sure enough, there are pants and you are wearing them. So you continue to walk on, to your destination, but again, you have to check to make sure you are really wearing those pants. Yes, they are there, you can touch them. But, dammit, if those pants are lighter than air!
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.No bonus points, for me...? =( Even though I actually watched part of it, as it was happening, online? Deb, Judy, and I, had so much fun, that night!
Posted by: Marie
21 juin 2005 10h06
Well, no bonus points for me cos I don't know what the heck you're talking about. Although, have you ever wondered why there's no such thing as a lap danceoff? I mean, there are regular danceoffs, right?
Posted by: Chris | 21 juin 2005 10h32
Just wanted to sign for me being here.
Like you blog... saw a link to it on the ecto webpage.
have a nice day,
Gummi, Iceland
Posted by: Gummi Jóh | 21 juin 2005 11h22
no. you don't get bonus points that easily, marie. i wasn't there either. i didn't even watch it online. i believe Lisa got this shirt for me.
I do enjoy making up stories when people ask me what it's about, tho.
Posted by: Jodi
21 juin 2005 13h08
oh come on! i actually know that one! *pouts*
hehe :)
Posted by: Judy
21 juin 2005 13h24
you can find out what it was by just searching for it. i had no idea there was a DVD. i ran into shmecky's site, complete with pictures! wow - that was a long time ago.
Posted by: arifa
21 juin 2005 16h11
What a nice hangout. And BTW, I want you to take this comment as spam and kill me. If you don't, I will be here more.
Posted by: Shirazi | 21 juin 2005 21h24
Hee! I totally stole extra shirts. I can't believe it was five years ago.
Posted by: Liloo | 22 juin 2005 10h46
oooo... that's right. my shirt was STOLEN!!
Posted by: Jodi
22 juin 2005 12h17