I can see all obstacles in my way
Frequently commentor, and 50 word fiction author, DrinkJack left his home today - setting off on a two week long road trip around various parts of the western US. He's going to be here in Seattle on the 4th and 5th and I have taken time off to go out and play with him. We are going to head into some mountains and trample foliage and throw rocks a the wildlife. No... I'm kidding. We'll "take only pictures" and "leave only footprints." Unless the wildlife pisses me off. Then they are getting a stone upside the furry little head. Little muther fuc... no, come on... I love animals. Seriously. They are great. Smooch! I kiss them.
We had a BBQ here at work today. I don't know why, exactly. We just do stuff like that on occasion. I had steak! They had steak! Louise was here, but not officially back at work. She's back officially on Tuesday. But she came in for lunch. I have missed her! There are things that can only be discussed with people who know how annoying other people can be, without ever even meeting them. You know? We all have our gifts.
I feel like I should post some kind of current event or something. Rustle up some political commentary after the president's speech. But I just don't have it in me. What's on my mind instead? Uhhh... Tessa called me a jerk at the BBQ and I think she's being difficult. Especially when I have no idea what jerky thing I was doing. Now she is shunning me. It's ok, tho. Because I have a meeting in a bit. It will be easy to shun me then, as I will be away from my desk. Also, you remember that song by Chumbawumba? "I Get Knocked Down." I heard it on the radio and it made me laugh, because when I first heard the song I thought he was saying "I get no tongue, but I get over it..." I thought it was about a man who gets no lovin'. I like it better that way.
Thank you, Thomas, for explaining the onsie-twosie concept to us. Generally I think of onsie twosie in terms of commercial printing. A onsie twosie being a small job with few copies. River, the onsie twosie dance was something I made up. It's not square, it's not polka, it's not swing... and it's not even remotely graceful. But when I do it, I look goooooood.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.That song from Chumbawumba..."pissing the night away..." just cracks me up! I used to think it said "wishing the night away" Yeah, not so much!
And I love meeting internetosphere people in real life, although I'm met some real weirdo's in my time! (but don't tell my husband because he is one of them!)
Posted by: zanie | 30 juin 2005 12h51
i thought it was wishing the night away as well. :)
you meant your husband online? that is so romantic. i've met some of the very bestest of my friends online. i'm totally looking forward to hanging out with jack. he's probably a little bit worried. and rightfully so. :)
Posted by: Jodi
30 juin 2005 13h01
The vast majority of internet people, that I've met IRL, are awesome (like YOU & the whole uber crowd, and Victor, of course!), and I'm sure that Jack will be no different.
Oh, and I love that Chumbawumba song!
Posted by: Marie
30 juin 2005 14h42
i've met a couple people from online before. they were pretty nice. i've sort of lost touch with them now though. just gotta trust the intuition with that.
Posted by: river selkie
30 juin 2005 21h29
BBQ at work? Nice. Happy Friday to ya Jodi! :-)
Posted by: Chris | 1 juillet 2005 5h09
Posted by: arifa
1 juillet 2005 12h22