50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 13
Welcome to Lucky 13! You know, I was in one of those professional growth classes at work, where you are supposed to come up with ways you can start to fulfill your happiness and shit, and I stated that I would take baby step towards writing more fiction by doing a 50 word fiction every friday. I thought that was kinda funny. Anyway, someone from that class walked up to me yesterday and asked me if I was still writing my 50 word stories like I said I would. And I was proud to say, "Yes I am! Going on week 13 in a row!"
It's good to have tiny goals.
Ok, in honor of all the babies being born to people I know lately, and the babies about to to be born to people I know, and the fact that I finally got my Sims to have a baby, I give you this weeks theme... ready? It's babies. Saw that coming, didn't you?
Day Care Employee
They all arrived in the morning at once, they all cried at once, they all pooped at once, they all wanted to eat at once, they all seemed to want to throw up on her at once, so why on earth couldn't they all nap at once. Just once.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Homeland Security Is Everyone's Job
installment.. 33 of 39
True Americans,
:I have found paradise, its better than the fountain of youth. Its a Web Stream Radio Station, It is named letshit.com . I'm not sure how it works, it seems people request songs, they get played. The reason i find this site so attractive is i don't participate.... I take a passive role in this, i listen to the music of the people, as chosen by the people. I think this is as close to democracy id like to be. Listening to this radio station will remind you of vast rainbow of ideas of what is “good” has become. This is actually so far beyond democratic this is fascist. The movement right is understood, and expected. We seem to have that flaw, we are more willing to loosing the freedoms we have, to assume certain securities. This peoples radio station should be destroyed. If not to include the values of music listeners, or the common sense of a gnat, i would have taken the requests for songs and placed these on a list of songs not to play. And then it happens... Lemon Tree (Fool's Garden) is played. And I am reminded that out there somewhere is a person, like me. And i wish them only the best.
Posted by: Hector L' Carre | 1 juillet 2005 2h59
He had been to several Thursday night sexual therapy sessions to deal with his giggling girl fetish, but he had to work late last Thursday and attended the session on Friday. Once he arrived, he was immediately repulsed. Nearly bomiting, he thought, "Only perverts get turned on being adult babies!"
Posted by: Thomas | 1 juillet 2005 4h49
It wasn't giving birth to a litter that concerned her, it was her development of three new sets of breasts that worried her. But as she watched her and her dalmation's babies suckle on her multiple teats, this unexpected side effect of wanton bestial encounters seemed less of a burden.
Posted by: Thomas | 1 juillet 2005 4h56
As they sat on the beach sipping their margaritas, a baby walked by. Suddenly a small dog approached, nipping at the baby's bathing suit. The baby stumbled in the sand, and ended up with the dog on top of him. From out of nowhere they heard someone yell "CUT!".
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 1 juillet 2005 7h47
So for this week's topic I was going to blatantly copy some lyrics from a relevant song called "Being In Love" by Meryn Cadell, but that seemed wrong. So instead, I figured out the whole audioblog thing and posted it here for all to enjoy. I apologize for the link back, but it didn't seem like posting an MP3 directly here was prudent.
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 1 juillet 2005 7h51
She writhed in pain as she pushed through the contraction. “This will never end!” she cried. As the contraction ended, the doula whispered softly to her, “She’s crowning; you can do it.” The next contraction rose quickly, and with monumental effort, a squalling baby girl was pushed into the world.
Posted by: zanie | 1 juillet 2005 10h53
ok, first of all, everyone fallow the link above provided by Cam, the song is hysterical. and uses foul language!
bonus points to thomas for using the word "bomit." and extra ICK bonus points for reminding me of the CSI episode where the guy liked to be treated like an infant and had a special room made and wore diapers. ICK.
Zanie - welcome to 50 word fictions. And Hector - Happy Canada day, mi amigo!
Posted by: Jodi
1 juillet 2005 12h16
Her eyes are omnipotent. She looks at me and I know she’s reading me like a book. I’m sure she can still remember Heaven. She probably can converse with the spirits of her ancestors. Tabula rasa my ass. I wonder what wise thing she’s thinking right now.
“More boob please.”
Posted by: Kay | 1 juillet 2005 13h50
He rewound the video for the eighty-forth time, then hit 'Play' for the eighty-fifth. He had to watch her again. He needed to memorize everything about her, from the sway of her hips to every flick of her hair. Kyle was not going to lose another Baby Spice look-a-like competition!
Posted by: loon
1 juillet 2005 14h42
Candy brings Jason home,finally, to meet her parents and have dinner with the family. Candy's mother is impressed with Jason's blonde good looks and midwestern politeness. Leading him to the dinner table, Candy's mother asks Jason, "Do you like children?" "Yes ma'am, medium rare, if that's what we're having."
Posted by: Casey Rollins | 1 juillet 2005 18h59
Kay, Loon and Cassie, you all made me laugh out loud!!
I like my children deep fried, I think.
Posted by: Jodi
2 juillet 2005 0h48
Standing in line for the Orlando flight, counting the kids in the pre-board line. Fifty five. Boarding is slow. Stepping onto the plane, they all scream in unison. Fucking Mickey. Find my seat. Baby screams front, behind, and to the left. I hate that mouse. Should have gone to Seattle.
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 juillet 2005 19h43
twin dykes in red panties
I have finished the first book in the series, will be published in Europe as "The revenge of Fuckasorus Rex". Its a graphic novel drawn on wax paper with sharpee markers. (sorry about the green boobies) Advanced copies $29.95 American, send me your money!
Posted by: Renato Araújo | 3 juillet 2005 19h40