Awwww yeah, we're brushing our teeth
Every wednesday, over the last few weeks, a local radio station called The Mountain has played a song right after their"5:20 Funny."; I listened to it every week and it just got funnier and funnier to me. I shared it with the people at work, and they all loved it. So when Evildeb said to me, "Hey Jodi... did you know it's business time?" I replied, "Hell yeah, it's Wednesday! I should probably blog that."
The song is not available on CD. I got it from Defective Yeti, who has it in mp3 format, if you want to download. But here, for your listening pleasure:
Flight of the Conchord's It's Business Time
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I guess I know what I'll be doing, tonight. =)
Posted by: Marie
13 juillet 2005 13h53
awww yeah!
Posted by: Jodi
13 juillet 2005 16h40
Damn, I miss business time :P
Posted by: DrinkJack
13 juillet 2005 17h14