Let's make chaos out of order
Last night I got less than 3 hours of sleep, the night before I got just 3 hours. It happens, I do that sometimes. But it makes me punchy. I'm tired and I sort of think I look like someone punched me in both eyes. So I chatted up Mr. Moon and asked him for a blog subject, because I didn't know what to write about. I was a drift in a sea of blank. The following is part of our chat, and an example of why I love Mr. Moon, and am so glad he is my friend.
Mr. Moon : i've been thinking about dualism a lot lately; one particular avenue of interest is man's desire to organize and classify, which promotes a status quo philosophy, and also man's desire for chaos, which promotes an anarchic philosophy
Jodi: that's a lot of stuff.
Mr. Moon : but the chaos is also usually accomplished through creative endeavors
Jodi: too complicated.
Jodi: give me something simple.
Jodi:i'd have to think a lot for that one.
Mr. Moon : really? um....
Jodi: i don't think i can manage that today.
Mr. Moon : alright....willie ames
Jodi: i was thinking i could explain women to all my male readers. they are probably curious.
Mr. Moon : i would love to have women explained
Jodi: i can do that
Jodi: does man have a desire for chaos?
Mr. Moon : yes, i believe so
Jodi: well, we need to sit down and discuss that.
Mr. Moon : too true
Jodi: then i can write about it
Jodi: cuz. i don't see it. or i don't know what you mean by it.
Mr. Moon : well, creativity, through artistic measures, has historically taken a non-status quo position. in fact, the art becomes celebrated by personalities that especially tend to appreciate the chaos
Mr. Moon : maybe i'm overgeneralizing
Jodi:: we need some fisher price people, some pipe cleaners, some duct tape, a half gallon of cherry kool-aid, five #2 pencils and a box of kleenix.
Jodi: then you can act out your theory for me with fisher price people
Mr. Moon :: alright, but i also need play-doh - don't worry, i'll supply it
Jodi: excellent
Jodi: will we need to be wearing bathing suits?
Mr. Moon : not you, but i might. because the dualism is excellently displayed with a mock synchronized swimming act
Jodi: if it's sychronized, who are you in sync with? justin timberlake, perhaps
Mr. Moon : well, it does involve a suspension of disbelief on your part. you will have to ghost myself right next to me. don't worry, i've got the glasses that allow you to do it
Jodi: you are so cool
Mr. Moon : i've been preparing for this very conversation
Mr. Moon :: but i had hoped that i would be presenting to the berkeley center of behaviorial sciences
Jodi: maybe i will just blog this conversation. :)
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I don't know Mr. Moon, but I wish I did. Is that dualism? Conversations like that can either totally clear your head or drive you to drink. I think the former causes the latter....
Posted by: Casey | 14 juillet 2005 18h16
What a fun little chat :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 juillet 2005 19h35
yeah you want to know him! mr. moon is the coolest of the cool, with massive brains good for freaky conversations. not to mention just being an awesome friend.
Posted by: Jodi
14 juillet 2005 22h12
wait... willie ames....explain!
Posted by: river selkie | 15 juillet 2005 8h27
well, river, it works like this. he suggested willie ames because when i initiated the chat, i called him Buddy. Willie Ames played a character named Buddy in Charles in Charge. That's how he made the mental connection.
Now me, if I heard Buddy... I would think of Brak and his story about his PE teacher.
Posted by: Jodi
15 juillet 2005 21h53