Little kid shoes
I have fairly small feet, size 6.5. This means I have an extra shoe shopping option - the children's dept. Yes, I can wear little kid shoes. The sandals I am wearing today, I bought for my trip to NYC two summers ago. Because I knew it would be hot as hell, and I would be walking a lot. When I bought them, AlmostCertainlyGoingToEndUpEvilMaggie was two and she got the exact same pair. Hers were pink and purple, tho. I got the boys navy blue option. They were about $10 cheaper than the adult version would have been. I've often purchased converse sneakers from that dept. as well. Nordstroms.
I wore them today wondering - would little kid shoes give me little kid spirit? And if so, is it really my little kid shoes or my harlot red painted toenails? or both? Hard to say. Should have done a control study with just one or the other factor...
Reasons why you have to love Evildeb:
A co-worker of ours quit a couple of months ago, moved up to Vancouver BC with her husband and had a baby girl. She is coming down to visit later this month, and bringing the baby, so we are going to have... yes... wait for it... a party! I swear we have a party for everything. Why, today I got some cake... I am not even entirely sure why. I think it was because someone came back from sabbatical. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. And, to be honest... I had two pieces. But they had fruit! it was really a fruit tart! Anyhoo, back to this party, it's a good excuse for one, I think. Evildeb decided to have a high tea party. And this is what she said in the email informing our team.
We're going to have high tea. I know you boys will love it because it will give you an opportunity to exercise your pinky fingers in new ways.
You've got to love her. I wonder if we get to play dress up, first.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.It is amazing how getting just a smidgen of kid spirit can elevate your mood and increase that inquisitive mind. If shoes do it, then go for it. For me, I can kick in the kid spirit by swinging my arms in unison while walking instead of the old fart way of right forward, left forward, right forward, left forward. Sure, I look like I have an IQ of 36, but it is fun.
Not sure what "high tea" is, but I bet I would be more comfortable with the low version :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
25 juillet 2005 18h08
speaking as the knower of all things food-related, if you're having the tea with scones and all that, it's actually "afternoon tea."
i just bought new shoes, too! they are giving me planter's fascitis (sp?), though. poo for achy arches.
Posted by: arifa
25 juillet 2005 20h19
I am jealous. I wear a 7, a wide 7, so I could never get into kid shoes. I do however love the many colored converses. Ok I love shoes in general. I am trying to force this obsession on my daughter by supplying her with ridiculous quantities of shoes... Sandals, flip flops, tennis shoes, little black mary jane shoes, even play high-heeled shoes with fluffy tops.
Evildeb sounds lovable indeed. I think Maggie and my daughter could be good friends, they could hack into government computers together. ;-)
Posted by: Christine | 26 juillet 2005 5h18
All you need to do is buy little girl Sailor Moon shoes, then buy the Japanese schoolgirl uniform off of, and you'd have yourself a cottage industry having men pay you just so you can pout for them.
Poutography... a new fetish begins...
Posted by: Thomas | 26 juillet 2005 9h34