My grandmother used to say "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" But you can't make lemonade out of a dead dog, no matter how hard you try.
This afternoon I went to a place, up on Capital Hill, called the Central Cinema. It's a small movie house that serves you food and drinks while you watch the movies. The popcorn is brought to you in a bowl. Not that I had any, I had 4 cheese pizza. The serve beer and wine, but no hard liquor. Maybe at later shows, however because shows after 10 are 21 and over only. We were there for the children's matinee. How can you pass up an opportunity to see The Goonies on a large screen? You can't. If the Goonies are good enough for you, they are good enough for me.
Next week's matinee is the Muppet Movie.
When I got home, I got out of my car and started walking down the drive, with a brand new 44 ounce Dr Pepper in my hand, to get my mail. The little girl across the street and her friend came over to me. I don't know her name, she wasn't born the last time I lived here. They had a large pump thermos and a tiny dixie cup with them. That's when I noticed the lemonade stand. They asked me if I wanted some lemonade, so I put my Dr Pepper down and said of course I want lemonade.
"The little brown things are just pieces of lemonade."
Excellent! Can't beat that for a quarter. Plus, the new Ikea catalog is here.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Oh Oh Oh, the muppet movie on the big screen!!! Heck yes, that would be worth having kids all aroud me during a movie.
That is so sweet of you to buy some lemonade. The last stand I went to charged a buck and they gave about two swallows worth. Darn capitalist!
Posted by: DrinkJack
31 juillet 2005 11h58
actually, i was kind of afraid of them. they were quite insistent.
Posted by: Jodi
31 juillet 2005 16h19