Then and Now: Episode Four
Frankly, I am surprised that no one covered this song sooner. This was the shocking song of my youth, well, teenage youth. I cannot even begin to calculate how many times I saw Purple Rain back then. It was constantly playing at the midnight movies. Not a whole lot to do in Tulsa, when you are a teenager. This song is the key pivotal moment in the movie in which Prince, the hero, makes Apollonia, aka: Vanity #2, cry. He does this by mentioning the taboo subject of self love, and then humping the stage floor. It was very upsetting to her. [I never understood that.]
Darling Nikki - Prince 1984
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.I've heard this on the radio, too, and you're right, it [i]is[/i] an awesome cover! The only thing is, I'm rarely in the car (where I listen to the radio the most), without kiddos, so I usually have to change the station when it comes on. Oh well.
Posted by: Marie
31 juillet 2005 12h04
Uh oh - I forgot that I needed to switch back to html mode, and used UBB code, instead. OOPS!
Posted by: Marie
31 juillet 2005 12h05
Indeed my favorite Then and Now yet! I wonder why Prince was such a jerk by banning the song? Then again, I wonder a lot about anything Prince has done. I have heard him called a musical genius, but never rational.
Posted by: DrinkJack
31 juillet 2005 12h08
they play this cover all the time on our local station. love it. never actually knew the original (never been a prince fan) so i just listened to it. i love the cover better. hehe. which is not to infrequent in my world.
you know, this version of the cover sounds a little slower the version i'm used to hearing. i wonder if the foo fighters have a couple versions out there?
Posted by: river selkie | 31 juillet 2005 17h23