Amelia finds herself at a loss
"..... "
Amelia: Do you hear that?
Jodi: Hear what?
Amelia: the silence, coming from over there. I don't hear a toadying sales pitch.
Jodi: I know! He's gone, my brother.
Amelia: Gone?
Jodi: he's moved. The monkee has been caged in an office and the door is shut.
Amelia: Shut up!
Jodi: Would I lie, my brother?
Amelia: No, my brother, about this you would not lie. Hmmm.... now what am I going to do?
Jodi: I don't know. You want to learn javascript or something?
Amelia: Maybe. Hey... let's talk about boys.
Jodi: Only if you have some secret divine boy understanding you care to share.
Amelia: Oh forget that, then. By the way, does that new guy behind you ever stop talking?
Jodi: sigh
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Another yapper?
Oh good lawd!
Posted by: Marie
2 août 2005 12h19
two of them, god bless them. all day long. at least evildeb and i chat a lot of our comments back and forth. the new one awoke a beast in an older one.
it's just not my luck to have a quiet place, is it? they aren't as bad as the monkee. don't get me wrong, i'm very relieved to have him gone. truly blessed.
Posted by: Jodi
2 août 2005 12h22
Maybe if the guy behind you knew the secret to boys you could just over hear it. That would be good.
Posted by: Christine | 2 août 2005 12h41
Ding dong! The monkee's gone!
Posted by: Marie
2 août 2005 12h55
What ever happened to the intimidation of the rookie? Where is the hazing? the slave tasks? the beckon-call routines? Surely you are not missing the perfect opportunity to shape and mold this newbie into your personal bitch?
Posted by: DrinkJack
2 août 2005 17h27
Jack, I would consider making him my bitch, but he doesn't work for my product, therefore, he is of no use to me.
Christine, there are going to be no secrets of boy shared between those two. It's high level geekdom all the way.
Posted by: Jodi
2 août 2005 19h28