I was thinking...
.. do you think that things are inherently, and hysterically, more amusing when you you have a full bladder and no available bathroom?
What do you think?
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.. do you think that things are inherently, and hysterically, more amusing when you you have a full bladder and no available bathroom?
What do you think?
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Normally I think its funnier if its a friend that has the full bladder, and no bathroom.. after all.. I wouldn't want to be the one that peed their pants from laughing so hard...at least, not with the group of people I hang out with
Posted by: Dan
16 août 2005 19h12
i think...
/start wakko/
/end wakko/
Posted by: river selkie
16 août 2005 20h22
the reason i ask is, last week, after the violent femmes concert, both tessa and i had to use the potty, we were waiting until we got back to our office building. at the same time, tessa found me so hysterical. that she could barely drive, and said she was about to pee her pants.
i was wondering if i was soooo funny, because of the potty emergency. instead of just funny.
Posted by: Jodi
16 août 2005 21h09
I think most girls tend to giggle when nervous and facing imenent pee pee pants is certainly stressful. Women are masters of stress relief, this is why we live longer and nothing is more stress relieving than humor. If you think about it this works really well when your bladder is painfully full. The brain sees to it that everything is funny, causing you to laugh, which causes you to pee, taking care of that tension in the bladder.
Unfortunately, people witnessing the event might not see it as one of the wonders of the human mind. ;-)
Posted by: Christine | 17 août 2005 5h18
while i'm sure you were most definitely 'soooo' funny, i can attest to the fact that when one is in the throws of a potty crisis, one can become quiet hysterical.
Posted by: loon
17 août 2005 7h52
Always, always, always. And you know when something is hysterically funny, you have to laugh until you pee. That's just the rule.
Posted by: zanie | 17 août 2005 8h34
comment test
Posted by: jodi | 17 août 2005 12h54
RIVER SELKIE! you are my NBF (new best friend). i loooove that animaniacs.
Posted by: arifa
17 août 2005 13h37
I have to admit that when I'm in that situation, I'm not laughing, but my ability to focus becomes incredible. As a matter of fact, if I had that ability to focus all of the time, I would do great things. I'm sure that in this circumstance that it was your humor that was the center of the laughter.
Posted by: Mark | 17 août 2005 15h21
I will have to admit, I do not find any joy if my bladder is painfully full. I have a very focused mind of "don't blow a gasket, hold it, only X number of miles to go...."
Posted by: DrinkJack
17 août 2005 18h37
I must be a rare female, because I have to agree with Jack, on this one.
Posted by: Marie
17 août 2005 19h10
arifa- oooh! a new best friend! yay me!
and, i'm not that fond of full bladders, though i do feel rather good after emptying one. it's near bliss. i just like thinking of animaniacs.
Posted by: river selkie
17 août 2005 22h36
and you are both vegetarians, so you can go out to eat best friends too!
Posted by: Jodi
17 août 2005 22h40
but i'm with everyone else, jodes... the only thing i really feel when my bladder is full is pee panic.
Posted by: arifa
18 août 2005 9h59
"and you are both vegetarians, so you can go out to eat best friends too!"
Errr....eating best friends isn't vegetarianism, Jodi, it's cannibalism.
Hey! They have fudge here! =)
Posted by: Marie
18 août 2005 16h11
Posted by: river selkie
19 août 2005 0h46