Goodbye Summer, don't let the door hit you on the way out!
Wheee-hooo, kids! It's a new school year. I've got a fresh spiral notebook and a shiny new bic pen right here, and I'm not afraid to take names if need be. I know some people think that a fresh clean slate comes at the beginning of the New Year, but anyone who is anyone knows it comes in the fall, with the new school supplies and fall clothes. Screw summer... that show off season. I've got a note getting me out of PE, and I heart autumn. If it wasn't in the "to be dry cleaned eventually possibly never" pile, I'd be wearing my catholic school girl skirt today.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Fuck off, summer!
I'm wearing jeans, today, in protest of the hot weather that nasty summer brings, and in an attempt to help bring the nice, crisp, days of autumn here, faster. Or, maybe it's just because I need to shave my legs.
Posted by: Marie
6 septembre 2005 12h06
I have one of those love/hate relationships with summer. I can't wait for it to get here so we can have long days and warm evenings but I can't wait for it to leave because I hate (did I say HATE?)the heat.
But, I LOVE autumn. The perfect mix of weather and daylight, particularly in the Northwest!
Every year while buying school supplies for my son, hereon to be known as Wee G, I always buy a spiral notebook and a new pack of pens for myself.
I get nostalgic about the whole going-back-to-school thing and I always swear I'm going to go finish my degree.
Posted by: zanie | 6 septembre 2005 15h49
you are my people.
i'm fairly certain i need a new box of crayons. i love the smell of crayons.
Posted by: Jodi
6 septembre 2005 16h45
i love new school supplies. i get excited and buy them even when i am not going to school. and i dislike summers here, but fall, winter and spring i love. fall is great! yay!
Posted by: river selkie | 6 septembre 2005 17h43
Oh, I can't wait until the temps turn. I can, however, wait for the leaves to fall. The acorns are raining down as I type. Loud fuckers when they hit the roof.
If you wear you Catholic School girl skirt, I will let you write on my bedroom walls with crayons ;)
Posted by: DrinkJack
6 septembre 2005 17h44
Did you say catholic school girl skirt? I bet you could make a lucrative side business selling photos and web cam clips. ;-)
Posted by: Christine | 6 septembre 2005 20h27
oh you are going to be sorry, jack... is this the freshly painted room? i have a genuine catholic school girl skirt. i got it from a genuine catholic school uniform store, for a halloween costume - Pregnant Catholic School Girl. One of my most comfortable costumes ever. Plus... endless lollipops.
it's a perfectly good skirt, and i have been known to wear it. normally... not pretending to be pregnant. or a catholic school girl.
Posted by: Jodi
6 septembre 2005 21h23
Total flashback to high school. Scary.
Posted by: Chris | 7 septembre 2005 10h21