Jodi and Evildeb in a meeting/conference call
Evildeb: you are soooo funny to them
Evildeb: they just laugh and laugh
Jodi: like a monkey
Jodi: that's my role
Evildeb: who's the monkey
Evildeb: they laugh like monkeys
Jodi: i was thinking i was the monkey
Evildeb: no
Jodi: look at, laugh at the little monkey
Evildeb: I think they are a gaggle of monkeys
Jodi: what do you call a group of monkeys? i'm looking it up.
Evildeb: a gaggle
Evildeb: especially when they laugh
Jodi: troop
Jodi: it's a troop of monkeys
Jodi: but its a shrewdness of apes
Evildeb: I'm a shrewdness of apes
later in the meeting...
Evildeb: when she said "ping us" it sounded like penis
Jodi: i know. "if you hear of this issue, just... penis."
And then I got the giggles. But at least now we know about the monkeys.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Speaking of giggles - have you noticed that every time Bush says "duty" it comes across as "doodie". Yes, I really am 7 years old, but it does make me giggle. And then I sort of cry.
Posted by: Cam Ferroni | 7 septembre 2005 16h28
See I always thought that a group of apes was just called a "Family Reunion".
Posted by: DrinkJack
7 septembre 2005 16h52