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I can't get my ears off this song...

I explained what the cello does to me, so maybe you will understand why I cannot quit listening to this song. It kills me, I swear.

The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice


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Great song...until it was played over and over and over again in that Closer movie. I still love it. Wasn't too fond of the movie though.

listen to track 13...Elegie for Cello and Orchestra In C Minor, Op. 24: Molto adagio.
that's the song from la femme nikita i mentioned a while back.


this is a letter the was written last year,

dearest jodi,
much need comfort is warrented, and much insite desired.
Dearest friend,
have we escaped the toads?
I have learned the words for your battle logs,
but the tune is unplayable on the glass harmonica.

Yours Ben Franklin

Haunting. It's just haunting. I keep telling myself to leave it alone, because it's so sad but I just keep playing it.