Darling Nikkie: Revisited
I'm a little blue this morning. Sometimes I get myself mixed up in things I am not even aware of, and when the dust settles and all parties are settled, I'm standing alone in the dust wondering what happened and why I am the one left out in the cold. Now, totally manageable situation, because I'm not really out in the cold in life. But if you spend a few hours listening to incredibly beautiful, but incredibly sad, music, you can come to believe that you are.
So I decided, no more Damien Rice today.... I simply cannot take it. And somehow, I stumbled upon the perfect antidote. Completely by accident.
This song is available from their website for download. But I have a feeling I am going to need more than one song.
Darling Nikki - Asylum Street Spankers
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Now that song is sexy :)
Posted by: DrinkJack
9 septembre 2005 17h11
wow. that is one unique version of the song. i think i like it. it's sassy jazz.
Posted by: river selkie | 9 septembre 2005 23h47
Damn! I finally got around to listening to this, and that is swanky hot! I like it!
Posted by: Marie
13 septembre 2005 12h16