I had to leave my condo to come to this....
In the animal world, urine is used to mark territory, to make a claim. I think this instinct is strong in humans as well. Now, I don't know about you men, but the ladies rarely literally pee on things. They have other ways of staking claim. We leave things behind... scent, lipstick kisses, our unmentionables. And, if necessary, we take meetings in the ladies room.
Such was the conversation I was having with Christine, when I discovered she'd never heard the song. Scandalous! I had to take care of that asap.
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Damn, that was a long song. I will admit (not to anyone's surprise) that I have never heard it before.
Posted by: DrinkJack
14 septembre 2005 16h50
I'm wondering if a meeting taken in the ladies room is also what we southern girls might call a "come to jesus meeting."
Overall this is much more empowering than Damien Rice, who makes me (and apparently everyone else) something between suicidal and homicidal.
Posted by: Christine | 14 septembre 2005 17h17
So in a way, you marked Christine now?
Posted by: Thomas | 15 septembre 2005 5h10
Jack: it was a big dance club hit. In the 80's I think? 90's maybe? I don't know.
Christine: that damien rice is tricky. you have to listen to him with great caution.
Thomas: I guess you could say I have. I've marked her with my stink of friendship.
Posted by: Jodi
15 septembre 2005 7h15
And what a sweet stink it is, Jodi ;-)
Posted by: Christine | 15 septembre 2005 8h23
My boys ... there are three of them ... use urine to mark where the toilet SHOULD be. Typically a mere one or two inches to the left or right of where it actually sits on the floor.
I'm thinking of installing one of those chest-to-floor urinals we had in elementary school to make things easier for them.
Posted by: delmer | 15 septembre 2005 13h44