50 Word Fiction Fridays Vol. 25
Hey, this week's theme is Autumn. But get this, I was busy cleaning, and didn't even think about my story. CLEANING. If that's not an omen of bad things to come, I don't know what is. And now I am sleepy. So you all start without me, ok?
The Order of Things
"Autumn.... People like me better, you know."
"So I've heard."
"They write songs about me."
"Oh yeah? That's nice"
"I'm very popular, I'm thinking of getting my own gig somewhere, just leave the three of you behind."
"Hey... Summer... no matter what... I will follow you. Always."
Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.Beneath an autumn moon Cheri turned up the cool earth with a rusty garden spade. She placed a mason-jar full of poems inside the hole, added soil and then the roots of a rose. Watering it with her tears, she thought of how lovely it would be in the spring.
Posted by: Christine | 23 septembre 2005 5h45
The imaginary line crept in from the North. Cool air sank with the weight of Autumn, flipping the natural switches deep within the trees. Soon the crunching of leaves on long walks will resonate. Longer nights beg for crackling fires, soft music, and the gentle touch of a beautiful woman.
Posted by: DrinkJack
23 septembre 2005 10h41
He felt so old. It seemed he was just a teenager a few days ago, and a young man only yesterday. The wedding band on his hand only painfully reminded him of his wife he buried. Now, in the autumn of his days, he mused when he would join her.
Posted by: Thomas | 23 septembre 2005 11h10
He gaped at the hills, disbelieving the explosion of crimsons. Just yesterday, he'd thought the arrival of the red was very late. Soon, too soon, winter's shroud would fall, cloaking all in white. Still time yet for footfalls mixed with the delicate crackle of leaves. He stepped onto the path.
Posted by: jack | 23 septembre 2005 11h18
Along I walked, as oft I do,
When eyes of mine a spied a hue
So vibrant there it made me pause
To wonder at it's wondrous cause.
The Maker soon before my sight
Came robed in crimson golden light.
The source of Nature's gaiety,
Fair Autumn in her majesty.
Posted by: loon
23 septembre 2005 14h02