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Glasses! Oh, no, mom! Not glasses! They'll make me look absolutely positively goofy!

i have writers block big time. I don't know what's wrong with me. I probably need to ride a roller coaster or something. I told Louise I had nothing to write about, and she said, "tell them about your new glasses."

So I tried, but it came out:

I got new glasses. They are red. Then End.

But here is a picture of them. You get fish face because all my smirks looked too sleepy, and not in a good way. And my smiles fakey.


You cannot even begin to imagine how big my hair is today. And I am fairly certain I've used that quote as a subject title before....


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

I'm dying from not being able to breathe. That has got to be the fishiest fish-face I've ever seen!

But remember, be careful your face doesn't stick that way.*

(* Parents actually fear childhood facial paralysis!)

You are so cute! Love the glasses and I wish I had trouble with 'big hair' you have no idea how us stringy hair types lust after volume!

it that good? to have the fishiest fish face ever?

Now don't you just look all cute with the new glasses and the fishy pucker :)

I like you wavy hair!

oh hell, I can't spell....delete my ignorant notes! :)

The fishy pucker is QUITE good... Shows you have some serious suction going on in there.